Brokerage Commission
and Fee Schedule
Fidelity brokerage accounts are highly flexible, and our cost
structure is flexible as well. Our use of “à la carte” pricing for
many features helps to ensure that you only pay for the
features you use.
About Our Commissions and Fees
The most economical way to place trades is online, meaning
either through, Fidelity Active Trader Pro®, or Fidelity
Mobile®. The next most economical way is Fidelity Automated
Service Telephone (FAST®). This automated service is available
around the clock and can be accessed from a touch-tone phone.
The fees described in this document apply to the Fidelity
Account®, Non-Prototype Retirement Accounts, Health Savings
Accounts (HSAs), and Fidelity Retirement Accounts (including
Traditional, Roth, Rollover, SEP-IRA, SIMPLE IRAs, and Fidelity
Retirement Plans (Keogh and SE 401(k)), and inherited IRAs and
inherited Keogh accounts). Note that for Stock Plan Services
Accounts, a different fee schedule located on
may apply for Exercise-and-Sell Fees for Stock Option Plans and
Sale of Company Stock. This Fidelity Brokerage Commission and
Fee Schedule applies to all other transactions. The fees described
in this document may change from time to time without notice.
Before placing a trade, consider Fidelity’s most recent Brokerage
Commission and Fee Schedule, available at or
through a Fidelity representative.
Online $0.00 per trade
FAST® $12.95 per trade
Rep-Assisted $32.95 per trade
The remuneration that Fidelity receives and keeps as described in this
section applies to transactions and activities involving securities including,
but not limited to, domestic (U.S.) equities traded on national exchanges,
short sales, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and U.S.-traded foreign securi-
ties (ADRs, or American Depository Receipts, and ORDs, or Ordinaries).
For details on foreign stock trading, see the Foreign Stocks section. Large
block orders requiring special handling, restricted stock orders, and certain
directed orders may carry additional fees, which will be disclosed at the
time of the transaction.
In addition to the per trade charges identified above, Fidelity’s remuneration
also includes a fee that is charged on all sell orders (“Additional Assessment”).
The Additional Assessment, which typically ranges from $0.01 to $0.03
per $1,000 of principal, is charged by Fidelity. Fidelity uses the Additional
Assessment to pay certain charges imposed on Fidelity by national securities
associations, clearing agencies, national securities exchanges, and other
self-regulatory organizations (collectively, “SROs”). The SROs in turn pay the
SEC using the money they collect from Fidelity and other broker-dealers.
The Additional Assessment that Fidelity charges you is designed to offset
the charges imposed on Fidelity by the SROs, which in turn are intended to
cover the costs incurred by the government, including the SEC, for supervising
and regulating the securities markets and securities professionals. You
acknowledge, understand, and agree that Fidelity determines the amount
of the Additional Assessment in its sole and exclusive discretion, and that
the Additional Assessment may differ from or exceed the charges imposed
on Fidelity by the SROs. These differences are caused by various factors,
including, among other things, the rounding methodology used by Fidelity, the
use of allocation accounts, transactions or settlement movements for which
a fee by the SROs may not be assessed, and differences between the dates
of changes to rates charged by the SROs. You understand, acknowledge, and
agree that Fidelity has made no representation that the Additional Assessment
charged to you will equal the fees assessed against Fidelity by the SROs in
connection with your transactions. The Additional Assessment is in addition
to the commissions we charge (i.e., the per trade charges identified above),
and is included on your trade confirmation as a part of the Activity Assessment
Fee. For the exact amount of the Additional Assessment charged on a
particular transaction, please contact a Fidelity representative.
Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC (“FBS”) and/or NFS receives remuneration,
compensation, or other consideration (such as financial credits or reciprocal
business) for directing orders in certain securities to particular broker-dealers
or market centers for execution. The payer, source, and nature of any
compensation received in connection with your particular transaction will vary
based on the venue that a trade has been routed to for execution and will
be disclosed upon written request to FBS. Please refer to Fidelity’s customer
agreement for additional information about order flow practices and to Fidelity’s
commitment to execution quality
for additional information about order
routing. Also review FBS’s annual disclosure on payment for order flow policies
and order routing policies.
FBS has entered into a long-term, exclusive and significant arrangement with the
advisor to the iShares Funds that includes but is not limited to FBS’s promotion
of iShares funds, as well as in some cases purchase of certain iShares funds at
a reduced commission rate (“Marketing Program”). FBS receives compensation
from the fund’s advisor or its affiliates in connection with the Marketing Program.
FBS is entitled to receive additional payments during or after termination of
the Marketing Program based upon a number of criteria, including the overall
success of the Marketing Program. The Marketing Program creates significant
incentives for FBS to encourage customers to buy iShares funds. Additional
information about the sources, amounts, and terms of compensation is
described in the ETF’s prospectus and related documents.
Certain ETF sponsors pay an asset-based fee in support of their ETFs on Fidelity’s
platform that supports services including related shareholder support services, the
provision of calculation and analytical tools, as well as general investment research
and education materials regarding ETFs. Fidelity does not receive payment from
these ETF sponsors to promote any particular ETF to its customers, and these
ETF shares are not marginable for 30 days after purchase. Customers purchasing
shares in a limited number of ETFs that are not supported by their providers will be
subject to a $100 service fee.
Fidelity makes certain new issue products available without a
separate transaction fee. Fidelity may receive compensation for
participating in the offering as a selling group member or underwriter.
The compensation Fidelity receives from issuers when acting as both
underwriter and selling group member is reflected in the “Range of
Fees from Underwriting” column. When Fidelity acts as underwriter
but securities are sold through other selling group members, Fidelity
receives the underwriting fees less the selling group fees.
Securities Range of Fees
from Participation
in Selling Group
Range of Fees
from Underwriting
IPOs 3% to 4.2% of the
investment amount
5% to 7% of the
investment amount
Follow-Ons 1.8% to 2.4% of the
investment amount
3% to 4% of the
investment amount
Please refer to the applicable pricing supplement or other
offering document for the exact percentage sales concession or
underwriting discount.
Online $0.00 per trade + 65¢ per contract
$12.95 per trade + 65¢ per contract
$32.95 per trade + 65¢ per contract
Buy-to-close orders placed online for options priced 0¢ to 65¢ are
commission-free and are not subject to per contract option fees. For
trades placed on other channels, you will not be charged a per contract
fee when the contract price is 65¢ or less. Regular option rates (as shown
above) apply when the contract price exceeds 65¢.
Maximum charge: 5% of principal (subject to a minimum charge of $12.95 for
FAST trades and $32.95 for Rep-Assisted trades).
Exercises and assignments are commission-free and are not charged a per
contract fee.
In addition to the per trade/contract fees described above, Fidelity’s
remuneration also includes fees it charges you (“Options Fee”) that are
designed to offset the Options Regulatory Fee (“ORF”) that the Options
Clearing Corporation (“OCC”) charges Fidelity through various options
exchanges. The ORF applies to any transaction to buy or sell options contracts
and represents the cumulative charges imposed by all the participating options
exchanges. The ORF has ranged from $0.02 to $0.04 per contract but is subject
to change at any time. You acknowledge, understand, and agree that Fidelity
determines the amount of the Options Fee charged to you and its other
customers in its sole and exclusive discretion, and that the Options Fee amount
collected from you by Fidelity may differ from or exceed the ORF that Fidelity
pays to OCC. These differences are caused by various factors, including,
among other things, the rounding methodology used by Fidelity, the use of
allocation accounts, transactions for which a fee may not be assessed, and
differences between the dates of changes to the ORF rate. You understand,
acknowledge, and agree that Fidelity has made no representation that the
fees assessed to you will equal the fees assessed against Fidelity by the OCC
in connection with your transactions. This Options Fee is in addition to your
commission and is included on your trade confirmation as a part of the Activity
Assessment Fee. For the exact amount of the Options Fee charged to you on a
particular transaction, please contact a Fidelity representative.
A Financial Transaction Tax of 0.30% of principal per trade on purchases of French securities, 0.10% of principal per trade on purchases of Italian securities, and
0.20% of principal per trade on Spanish securities may be assessed.
Multi-Leg Option orders placed online are charged a per contract Options
Fee for the total number of contracts executed in the trade. Multi-Leg
Option orders placed through other channels are charged a commission
and the 65¢ per contract fee.
An “Additional Assessment” is also charged on any order to sell options
contracts. Please refer to the discussion of the “Additional Assessment” in
the Stocks/ETFs section of this document for additional information.
New Issues, Primary Purchases (all other fixed-income securities
except U.S. Treasury)
Fidelity makes certain new issue products available without a separate
transaction fee. Fidelity may receive compensation from issuers
for participating in the offering as a selling group member and/or
underwriter. The compensation Fidelity receives from issuers when acting
as both underwriter and selling group member is reflected in the “Range
of Fees from Underwriting” column. When Fidelity acts as underwriter but
securities are sold through other selling group members, Fidelity receives
the underwriting fees less the selling group fees.
Securities Range of Fees from
Participation in
Selling Group
Range of Fees
from Underwriting
Agency/GSE N/A 0.05% to 1.00% of the
investment amount
0.01% to 2.5% of
the investment
0.01% to 3.0% of the
investment amount
0.01% to 2.5%
of the investment
0.05% to 3.0%
of the investment
Bonds and
0.1% to 2% of
the investment
0.1% to 2.5% of the
investment amount
0.05% to 5.0% of
the investment
2% of the invest-
ment amount
3% of the investment
Please refer to the applicable pricing supplement or other
offering document for the exact percentage sales concession or
underwriting discount.
Securities Range of Fees
from Participation
in Selling Group
Range of Fees
from Underwriting
0.1% to 2% of
the investment
0.1% to 2.5% of the
investment amount
0.05% to 5% of
the investment
U.S. Treasury, including TIPS Auction Purchases
Online No charge
Rep-Assisted $19.95 per trade
Mark-ups for all secondary bond (fixed-income) trades are listed below.
U.S. Treasury, including TIPS
Online No charge
*Rep-Assisted $19.95
All Other Bonds
Online $1.00 per bond
Rep-Assisted $1.00 per bond*
*Rep-Assisted $19.95 minimum
Please note that a $250 maximum applies to all trades and is reduced to
a $50 maximum for bonds maturing in one year or less.
Bond orders cannot be placed through FAST®.
The offering broker, which may be our affiliate National Financial Services
(“NFS”), may separately mark up or mark down the price of the security and
may realize a trading profit or loss on the transaction. If NFS is not the offer-
ing broker, Fidelity compensation is limited to the prices above.
Foreign Fixed-Income Trading
When purchasing a foreign currency–denominated fixed-income security for
settlement in USD, the following additional charges will apply:
<$1M 0.30% of principal
$1M–$5M 0.20% of principal
>$5M negotiated rate
Commercial Paper
Generally, our affiliate NFS will receive compensation in the form of a
mark-up or mark-down when facilitating transactions in commercial paper.
This section only describes fees associated with your account. Fees
charged by a fund itself (for example, expense ratios, redemption fees
[if any], exchange fees [if any], sales charges [for certain load funds]) are in
the fund’s prospectus. Read it carefully before you invest.
Fidelity Funds
All Methods No transaction fee
FundsNetwork Funds
Through FundsNetwork®, your account provides access to over 10,000
mutual funds. At the time you purchase shares of funds, those shares will
be assigned either a transaction fee (TF), a no transaction fee (NTF) or a
load status. When you subsequently sell those shares, any applicable fees
will be assessed based on the status assigned to the shares at the time
of purchase.
Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, or its affiliates, may receive compensa-
tion in connection with the purchase and/or the ongoing maintenance of
positions in certain mutual funds in your account. FBS may also receive
compensation for such things as systems development necessary to
establish a fund on its systems, a fund’s attendance at events for FBS’s
clients and/or representatives, and opportunities for the fund to pro-
mote its products and services. This compensation may take the form
of sales loads and 12b-1 fees described in the prospectus; marketing,
engagement, and analytics program participation fees; maintenance fees;
start-up fees; and platform support paid by the fund, its investment advi-
sor, or an affiliate.
FundsNetwork No Transaction Fee Funds.
All Methods No transaction fee* Most NTF Funds will have no load.
Certain NTF Funds will be available load waived.
Short-term Trading Fees
Fidelity charges a short-term trading fee each time you sell or exchange
shares of a FundsNetwork NTF fund held less than 60 days. This fee does
not apply to Fidelity funds, money market funds, FundsNetwork Transaction
Fee funds, FundsNetwork load funds, funds redeemed through the Personal
Withdrawal Service, or shares purchased through dividend reinvestment. In
addition, Fidelity reserves the right to exempt other funds from this fee, such
as funds designed to achieve their stated objective on a short-term basis.
The fee will be based on the following fee schedule:
Online $49.95 flat fee
Fidelity Automated Service Telephone (FAST®): 0.5625% of principal
(25% off representative-assisted rates), maximum $187.50, minimum $75
Rep-Assisted: 0.75% of principal, maximum $250, minimum $100
Keep in mind that the short-term trading fee charged by Fidelity on
FundsNetwork NTF funds is different and separate from a short-term
redemption fee assessed by the fund itself. Not all funds have short-term
redemption fees, so please review the fund’s prospectus to learn more
about a potential short-term redemption fee charged by a particular fund.
*Fidelity reserves the right to change the funds available without transac-
tion fees and reinstate the fees on any funds.
FundsNetwork Transaction-Fee Funds
Online: $49.95 or $100 per purchase. To identify any applicable
transaction fees associated with the purchase of a given fund, please
refer to the “Fees and Distributions” tab on the individual fund page on
FAST®: 0.5625% of principal per purchase; minimum $75,
maximum $187.50
Rep-Assisted: 0.75% of principal per purchase; minimum $100,
maximum $250
These fees may be waived for certain types of periodic investment
Fidelity does not charge a transaction fee on any redemption of shares
of a transaction-fee fund that were purchased with no load. A fund’s own
redemption fees may apply.
You can buy shares in a transaction-fee fund from its principal underwriter
or distributor without a Fidelity transaction fee.
FundsNetwork Load Funds
A fund’s sales charges may apply. Fidelity does not charge a transaction
fee on a load fund. A fund’s own redemption fees may apply.
Fidelity offers three different opportunities to trade foreign stocks. You can
utilize “International Trading,” “Dollarized International Trading,” or Fidelity’s
“Foreign Ordinary Share Trading” services. Depending on the service,
different commissions, taxes, and fees may apply as more fully described
below. You may also call a Fidelity representative for further details. The
International Trading team at Fidelity is available Monday through Friday,
from 5 a.m.–7 p.m. ET.
International Trading
International Trading allows customers to trade stocks from 25 countries and
exchange between 16 currencies. These trades are placed using a root sym-
bol, followed by a colon (:) and the two-letter country code for the market the
customer wants to trade in. The commission charged by Fidelity is dependent
on the market in which the order is placed and whether the trade is placed
online or with the assistance of a representative as noted in the table below.
Country Online* Rep Assisted*
Australia $32 AUD $70 AUD
Austria 19 EUR(€) 50 EUR(€)
Belgium 19 EUR(€) 50 EUR(€)
Canada $19 CAD $70 CAD
Denmark 160 DKK 420 DKK
Finland 19 EUR(€) 50 EUR(€)
France 19 EUR(€) 50 EUR(€)
Hong Kong $250 HKD $600 HKD
Germany 19 EUR(€) 50 EUR(€)
Greece 19 EUR(€) 50 EUR(€)
Ireland 19 EUR(€) 50 EUR(€)
Italy 19 EUR(€) 50 EUR(€)
Japan 3,000 JPY(¥) 8,000 JPY(¥)
Mexico 360 MXN 960 MXN
Netherlands 19 EUR(€) 50 EUR(€)
New Zealand $35 NZD $90 NZD
Norway 160 NOK 400 NOK
Poland 90 PLN 235 PLN
Portugal 19 EUR(€) 50 EUR(€)
Singapore $35 SGD $90 SGD
South Africa 225 ZAR 600 ZAR
Spain 19 EUR(€) 50 EUR(€)
Sweden 180 SEK 480 SEK
Switzerland 25 CHF 65 CHF
United Kingdom 9 GBP(£) 30 GBP(£)
*Per trade
Note that retirement account registrations are ineligible for this service. Please
also note that if a security trading on an exchange in one of the markets
noted above is only listed for trading in a currency other than that country’s
local markets currency, then the commission that will be charged will be
based on the currency the security is trading in instead of the identity of the
local market.
Dollarized International Trading
Dollarized International Trading allows customers to execute stocks on foreign
exchanges in retirement and non-internationally enabled accounts using
a five-character symbol ending in “F” for settlement in U.S. Dollars. Trade
Amounts are calculated and posted in U.S. Dollars by incorporating a foreign
currency exchange. This service is only available through the International
Trading team at Fidelity and orders will execute during the respective coun-
tries’ regular market hours. At a minimum, all the same countries listed above
for the International Trading offering are available, but please inquire with
your Fidelity representative if you have a question about the availability of any
additional countries.
Country Rep Assisted Only*
Canada Rep Assisted Commission
All Others Rep Assisted Commission + $50 non-DTC
(Depository Trust Company) Fee
*Per trade
Country-Specific Taxes and Fees
Additional country-specific taxes and fees may be charged as detailed in the
table below for International Trading and Dollarized International Trading.
The list of countries, currencies, taxes, and fees provided below is subject to
change without notice. There may also be further fees, taxes, or other charges
assessed by intermediaries when conducting transactions in foreign securities
beyond those described here, which could change at any time based on the
country or exchange directive. Details regarding these charges are available
from a Fidelity representative.
Country Tax (Per Trade)
France* Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) .30% of
principal on purchases
Italy* Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) .10% of
principal on purchases
Spain* Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) .20% of principal
on purchases
Ireland Stamp Tax 1.00% of principal on purchases
Hong Kong Transaction Levy 0.0027% of principal
Trading fee 0.005% of principal
Stamp Duty 0.10% of principal
South Africa Securities Transfer Tax .25% of principal
on purchases
Singapore Clearing fee of 0.04% of principal
United Kingdom PTM Levy 1 GBP where principal amount is
> £10,000 Stamp Duty 0.50% of principal
on purchases
*Certain securities based on market capitalization
Please also note that if a security trading on an exchange in one of the
markets noted above is only listed for trading in a currency other than that
country’s local market’s currency, then the fees that will be charged will be
based on the currency the security is trading in instead of the identity of the
local market.
Foreign Currency Exchange
In addition to the commissions, taxes, fees, and other charges for International
Trading and Dollarized International Trading, a currency exchange fee (in the
form of a markup or markdown on the exchange rate) will be charged based
on the size of the currency conversion, pursuant to the following schedule:
Total Foreign
<$100K 1.0% of principal
$100K–<$250K 0.75% of principal
$250K–<$500K 0.50% of principal
$500K–<$1M 0.30% of principal
$1M+ 0–0.20% of principal
Note: The Foreign Currency Exchange Fees above are applied to orders filled
in the local country markets listed above. Rates may vary for additional curren-
cies in available countries not listed in this schedule. Details are available from
a Fidelity representative.
Foreign Ordinary Share Trading
Foreign Ordinary Share Trading allows customers to trade shares in foreign
corporations on the over-the-counter (OTC) market using a five-character
symbol ending in “F.” Trades in foreign ordinary shares can be placed online
through the domestic equity order ticket or through a Fidelity representative.
In either case, the domestic commission schedule for stocks/ETFs will apply. A
$50 fee will also be charged on each transaction in any foreign ordinary stock
that is not Depository Trust Company eligible. Retirement and non-retirement
accounts are eligible for this service.
Country-Specific Taxes and Fees
Additional country-specific taxes and fees may be charged as detailed in the
table below for Foreign Ordinary Share Trading. The list of countries, taxes,
and fees provided below is subject to change without notice. There may also
be further fees, taxes, or other charges assessed by intermediaries when
conducting transactions in foreign securities beyond those described here,
which could change at any time based on the country. Details regarding these
charges are available from a Fidelity representative.
Country Tax (Per Trade)
France* Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) .30% of
principal on purchases
Italy* Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) .10% of
principal on purchases
Spain* Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) .20% of principal
on purchases
*Certain securities based on market capitalization
Note: The taxes and fees, if any, will be disclosed individually on the trade
Unit Investment Trusts (UITs) $35 minimum per redemption; no fee
to purchase. Fidelity makes certain new issue products available without a
separate transaction fee. Fidelity receives compensation for participating
in the offering as a selling group member. Fees from participating in the
selling group range from 1% to 4% of the public offering price. Fidelity
may also receive compensation for reaching certain sales levels, which
range from 0.001% 0.0025% of the monthly volume sold.
Precious Metals
% Charged on % Charged on
Buy Gross Amount Gross Amount Sell Gross Amount Gross Amount
$0–$9,999 2.90% $0–$49,999 2.00%
$10,000–$49,999 2.50% $50,000–$249,999 1.00%
$50,000–$99,999 1.98% $250,000+* 0.75%
$100,000+* 0.99%
*delivery charges and applicable taxes if you take delivery
Fidelity charges a quarterly storage fee of 0.125% of the total value or
$3.75, whichever is greater. Storage fees are pre-billed based on the
value of the precious metals in the marketplace at the time of billing.
For more information on these other investments and the cost of a specific
transaction, contact Fidelity at 800-544-6666. Minimum fee per precious
metals transaction: $44. Minimum precious metals purchase: $2,500 ($1,000
for IRAs). Precious metals may not be purchased in a Fidelity Retirement Plan
(Keogh), and are restricted to certain types of investments in a Fidelity IRA.
All Accounts
Foreign Currency Wires up to 3% of principal; charged when
converting USD to wire funds in a foreign currency
Foreign Dividends / Reorganizations 1% of principal; charged when
a dividend is paid or a reorganization event occurs on a foreign asset held
in an account in USD
Nonretirement Accounts
Debit Card and ATM Fees There is no annual fee for the Fidelity®
Debit Card or the Fidelity HSA® debit card. You may be charged separate
fees by other institutions, such as the owner of the ATM. Note: You cannot
use the Fidelity HSA® debit card at an ATM.
For Fidelity Account® owners coded Premium, Private Client Group,
Wealth Management, or with household annual trading activity of 120
or more stock, bond, or options trades, your account will automatically
be reimbursed for all ATM fees charged by other institutions while using
the Fidelity® Debit Card at any ATM displaying the Visa®, Plus® or Star®
logos. The reimbursement will be credited to the account the same day
the ATM fee is debited. In rare instances, ATM owners may not itemize
fees, which may cause disruption of individual automatic rebates. Should
this occur, please contact Fidelity. Please note there may be a foreign
transaction fee of 1% included in the amount charged to your account.
Fidelity debit cards are issued by PNC Bank, N.A., and the debit card
programs are administered by BNY Mellon Investment Servicing Trust
Company. These entities are not aliated with each other or with Fidelity.
Visa is a registered trademark of Visa International Service Association,
and is used by PNC Bank pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc.
Transfer and Ship Certificates $100 per certificate; applies only to
customers who have certificate shares reregistered and shipped; waived
for households that meet certain asset and trade minimums at Fidelity
Annual fees For Fidelity HSAs that are opened through, or serviced by,
an intermediary, or in connection with your workplace benefits, Fidelity
may deduct:
an administrative fee of up to $12 per quarter ($48 annually) from
your Fidelity HSA, unless it is paid by your employer (may be waived
for households that were established before a certain date and meet
certain asset minimums at Fidelity).
Fee and Trading Policies
Commissions will be charged per order. For commission purposes,
orders executed over multiple days will be treated as separate
orders. Unless noted otherwise, all fees and commissions are
debited from your core account.
Fee Waiver Eligibility
To determine your eligibility for fee waivers, we group the assets
and trading activity of all of the eligible accounts shown on your
periodic account statement.
Eligible accounts generally include those maintained with
Fidelity Service Company, Inc., or FBS [such as 401(k), 403(b),
or 457 plan assets] or held in Fidelity Investments Life Insurance
Company accounts, Fidelity Portfolio Advisory Service® or Fidelity®
Personalized Portfolios accounts. Assets maintained by Fidelity
Personal Trust Company, FSB, are generally not included. We may
include other assets at our discretion.
We will review your account periodically to confirm that your
household is receiving the best fee waivers it qualifies for, and
may change your fee waiver eligibility at any time based on
these reviews. We update fee waiver eligibility across household
accounts promptly after a daily review of trading activity, and
monthly after a review of household assets. All trading activity is
measured on a rolling 12-month basis.
If you believe there are eligible accounts within your household
that are not being counted in our fee waiver eligibility process
for example, accounts held by immediate family members who
reside with you you may authorize Fidelity to consolidate these
accounts into an aggregated relationship household and review
them for eligibility. Any resulting fee waivers would extend both
to you and to all immediate family members residing with you.
Most customers receive only a single customer reporting statement
from Fidelity and do not need to take any action. However, for
more information, go to or call us at
Households with $1 million or more in assets or $25,000 or more in assets + 120 trades a year. For details, see Fee Waiver Eligibility section above.
Limits on Feature Eligibility
Retirement accounts and Fidelity BrokerageLink® accounts cannot
trade foreign securities or sell short, are not eligible for margin
loans, and may be subject to other rules and policies. Please see
the literature for these accounts for details.
Prospectuses and Fact Sheets
Free prospectuses are available for UITs, Fidelity funds, and Fidelity
FundsNetwork® funds. Fact sheets are availab le for certificates of
deposit. To obtain any of these documents, and for other informa-
tion on any fund offered through Fidelity, including charges and
expenses, call 800-544-6666 or visit
Margin Fees
Understanding how margin charges are calculated is essential
for any investor considering or using margin. The information
below, provided in conformity with federal securities regulations,
is designed to help you understand the terms, conditions, and
methods associated with our margin interest charges.
For all margin borrowing regardless of what you use it for we
charge interest at an annual rate that is based on two factors: our
base rate, and your average debit balance. We set our base rate
with reference to commercially recognized interest rates, industry
conditions regarding margin credit, and general credit conditions.
The following table shows the premiums and discounts we apply
to our base rate depending on the average debit balance:
Interest Charged
Interest Charged
Average Debit Balance Above/Below Base Rate
$0–$24,999.99 +1.250%
$25,000–$49,999.99 +0.750%
$50,000–$99,999.99 –0.200%
$100,000–$249,999.99 –0.250%
$250,000–$499,999.99 –0.500%
$500,000–$999,999.99 –2.825%
$1,000,000+ –3.075%
In determining your debit balance and interest rate, we combine
the margin balances in all your accounts except short accounts
and income accounts. We then compute interest for each account
based on the rate resulting from averaging the daily debit balances
during the interest period. Interest is charged from the date we
extend you credit.
In the event that we have to take action in your account to meet
a margin call, you will be charged the Rep-Assisted rate for such
Your rate of interest will change without notice based on changes
in the base rate and in your average debit balance. When your
interest rate is increased for any other reason, we will give you at
least 30 days’ written notice. If the base rate is stated as a range,
we may apply the high end of the range.
For any month where your monthly margin charges are $1 or more,
your monthly statement will show both the dollar amount and the
rate of your interest charges. If your interest rate changed during the
month, separate charges will be shown for each rate. Each interest
cycle begins the first business day following the 20th of each month.
Other Charges
You may be assessed separate interest charges, at the base rate
plus two percentage points, in connection with any of the following:
Payments of the proceeds of a security sale in advance of the
regular settlement date (such prepayments must be approved
in advance)
When the market price of a “when-issued” security falls below
your contract price by more than the amount of your cash deposit
When payments for securities purchased are received after the
settlement date
How Interest Is Computed
Interest on debit balances is computed by multiplying the average
daily debit balance of the account by the applicable interest rate
in effect and dividing by 360, times the number of days a daily
debit balance was maintained during the interest period.
Marking to Market
The credit balance in the short account will be decreased or
increased in accordance with the corresponding market values
of all short positions. Corresponding debits or credits will be posted
to the margin account. These entries in the margin account will, of
course, affect the balance on which interest is computed. Credits in
your short account, other than marking to market, will not be used
to offset your margin account balance for interest computation.
459374.66.0 FA-FEES-0224
FBS and/or NFS has contracted with certain mutual funds, their
investment advisors, or their affiliates and certain ETF investment
advisors to receive other compensation in connection with the purchase
and/or the ongoing maintenance of positions in certain mutual fund
shares and ETFs in your brokerage account. This additional annual
compensation may be paid with respect to the mutual fund by the
mutual fund, its investment advisor, or one of its affiliates and with
respect to the ETF by its investment advisor or its affiliates.
FundsNetwork No Transaction Fee (NTF) Funds and ETFs
For funds participating in the NTF program and certain ETFs,
Fidelity receives compensation that typically ranges from 5 to 65
basis points based on the average daily balance. As of 12/31/2023,
88% of the mutual funds currently in the NTF program are in the
35–40 basis point range. For NTF funds with a 12b-1 fee, the fund
family may use the 12b-1 fee as part of its NTF payment.
FundsNetwork Transaction Fee (TF) Funds
For funds participating in the TF program, Fidelity receives
compensation based on: (1) per-position fees that typically range
from $3 to $25 per brokerage account or (2) asset-based fees that
typically range from 2 to 20 basis points based on average daily
assets. As of 12/31/2023, 86% of the mutual funds participating
in the TF program had per-position fees in the $12–$19 per-
position fee range or asset-based fees in the 8–12 basis point
range. TF compensation is in addition to any 12b-1 fees as
described in the fund’sprospectus.
Fidelity receives fees from certain unaffiliated product providers to
compensate Fidelity for maintaining the infrastructure required to
accommodate unaffiliated product providers’ investments products
in one or more of Fidelitys distribution channels, including retail,
workplace and intermediary channels. These fees vary by providers,
but in each case the fee is a fixed amount that is less than .07% of
the product providers assets in the Fidelity distribution channel(s) for
which it applies. In addition, certain unaffiliated product providers
may pay Fidelity initial start-up fees, product add, maintenance,
access to certain distribution channels, and provider minimum
monthly fees as well as a flat, uniform, annual fee related to an
exclusive marketing, engagement, and analytic program.
Fidelity may receive a payment from American Fund Distributors
(AFD) for among other things, to compensate Fidelity for providing
them access to financial intermediaries and investors in certain
Fidelity channels, a platform to support the provision of investment
guidance and service to such financial intermediaries and investors,
when applicable, and to promote operational efficiencies. As
described in American Fund prospectuses, AFD has discretion as
to the amount of the payment, if any; the criteria to determine any
payment includes sales, assets, and cash flows as well as qualitative
factors. It is anticipated that the payment would not exceed .08%
annually of American Fund assets in all retail, workplace and
intermediary channels maintained by Fidelity, subject to certain
Fidelity may receive an annual product fee of up to $2,000 if
aggregate assets held in that product across all retail, workplace
and intermediary channels maintained by Fidelity are less than $1.5
If you would like more information on any of the mutual funds in the
FundsNetwork program, please call Fidelity at 800-544-5373.
Use of funds held overnight
FBS is the introducing broker-dealer for Fidelity brokerage accounts
(“Accounts”). Its affiliate, NFS, provides clearing and other related
services on Accounts. As compensation for services provided with
respect to Accounts, NFS receives use of: amounts from the sale
of securities prior to settlement; amounts that are deposited in the
Accounts before investment; and disbursement amounts made
by check prior to the check being cleared by the bank on which it
was drawn. Any of the above amounts will first be netted against
outstanding Account obligations. The use of such amounts may
generate earnings (or “float”) for NFS or instead may be used by NFS
to offset its other operational obligations. Information concerning the
time frames during which NFS may have use of such amounts and
rates at which float earnings are expected to accrue is provided as
(1) Receipts. The deposit of amounts that settle from the sale of
securities or that are deposited into an Account (by wire, check,
ACH [Automated Clearing House] or other means) will generally be
purchased into the Account’s core sweep vehicle by close of business
on the business day that NFS receives such funds. NFS gets the use
of such amounts from the time it receives funds until the core sweep
vehicle purchase settles on the next business day. Note that amounts
disbursed from an Account (other than as referenced in Section 2
below) or purchases made in an Account will result in a corresponding
cost” to NFS. This occurs because NFS provides funding for these
disbursements or purchases one day prior to the receipt of funds
from the Account’s core sweep vehicle. These “costs” may reduce or
eliminate any benefit that NFS derived from the receipts described
(2) Disbursements. NFS gets the use of amounts disbursed by check
from Accounts from the date the check is issued by NFS until the check
is presented and paid.
(3) Float Earnings. To the extent that such amounts generate float
earnings, such earnings will generally be realized by NFS at rates
approximating the Effective Federal Funds Rate.
Fidelity Defined Contribution Retirement Plan Accounts (including
Profit Sharing, Money Purchase, and Self-Employed 401(k) plans)
for Customers who Reside Outside the United States
If you reside outside the United States in any country other than
Canada (as described in the Residing Outside of the United States
section of the Fidelity Brokerage Retirement Customer Account
Agreement [“Agreement”]), deposits to your Fidelity retirement
account will be held in the Intraday Free Credit Balance as more
fully described in the Agreement. Any interest paid as a result of the
Intraday Free Credit Balance will be labeled “Credit Interest” in the
Activity section of your account statement. To the extent such amounts
generate earnings, such earnings will be realized by NFS at rates
approximating the Effective Federal Funds Rate. NFS’s compensation
is the amount of earnings reduced by any interest paid to Accounts.
596805.18.0 1.933210.117
Addendum to
Brokerage Commission and Fee Schedule