WordPress eStore Plugin Shortcodes and Functions
Shortcodes are used in posts, pages or sidebar text widget. The functions can be used in the
theme's template file.
1 is the product ID or the category ID used in the following examples.
Useful Links
Quick setup and usage video tutorial (you must watch it).
List of all the fancy product display templates here.
Creating an add to cart button.
Creating a buy now button.
Creating a subscription button.
Add to Cart Button Shortcodes
An "Add to Cart" button adds a product to the shopping cart. This allows your customers to purchase one or multiple
items in a single transaction.
[wp_eStore_add_to_cart id=1]
Displays an "Add to Cart" button in a post,
page or sidebar widget for a product.
[wp_eStore_fancy1 id=1]
Displays an "Add to Cart" button using the
stylish fancy 1 template. It will show a
thumbnail image, product name, description
[wp_eStore_fancy2 id=1]
Displays an "Add to Cart" button using the
stylish fancy 2 template. It will show a
thumbnail image, product name, description
Shopping Cart Shortcodes
Use one of the following shortcodes to display the shopping cart on your site.
"Add to Cart" buttons need a shopping cart to go with it. Your customers add item(s) to the cart then they checkout
from the cart to make the payment.
Display the default style shopping cart on a
post, page or sidebar text widget.
Display the default shopping cart but it will be
visible only when there are items in the cart.
Display the shopping cart using a fancy
display. (this is the shopping cart display used
on tips and tricks HQ's checkout page).
Display the fancy 1 shopping cart but visible
only when there are items in the cart.
Display the shopping cart using the fancy 2
display style.
Display a summarized list of all the items that
are in the shopping cart.
This is for when you are using the save and
retrieve cart feature. Display a save and
retrieve shopping cart section. This allows
your customers to save the current shopping
cart or retrieve a previously saved cart.
Buy Now Button Shortcodes
A "Buy Now" type button can be used to make once off quick payment. This button takes the customer directly to the
payment page (bypassing the shopping cart). Some users like to use this type of button on a landing page.
[wp_eStore_buy_now_button id=1]
Displays a "Buy Now" type button on a post,
page or sidebar text widget.
[wp_eStore_buy_now_fancy id=1]
Displays a "Buy Now" type button using
fancy1 template. It shows a thumbnail image,
product name, description etc.
[wp_eStore_buy_now_custom_button id=1
Displays a "Buy Now" type button that allows
you to specify a custom button image in the
Subscription Button Shortcodes
A "Subscription" button is used for collecting recurring payments. This means you want the payment to recur at a
specified interval (Example: once a month). For example, you could use this type of button for a membership
[wp_eStore_subscribe_button id=1]
Displays a "Subscription" type button in a post,
page or sidebar text widget.
[wp_eStore_subscribe_fancy id=1]
Displays a "Subscription" type button using
fancy1 template. It shows a thumbnail image,
product name, description etc.
Download Now Button Shortcodes
A "Download Now" type button is used to let a visitor download a file for free (without disclosing the true location of
the file).
[wp_eStore_free_download_squeeze_form id=1]
Displays a "Squeeze form" in a post, page or
sidebar text widget to collect email address.
[wp_eStore_download_now_button id=1]
Display a button that lets the visitor
download a product (this way the actual
location of the product doesn't get revealed
to the user when they download it)
[wp_eStore_download_now_button_fancy id=1]
Display a download now button in a stylish
way that lets the visitor download a product.
This uses the fancy 1 display template.
ice id=1]
Display a download now button using the
fancy1 template while hiding the price field.
Category Specific Button Shortcodes
Category Specific buttons work with product categories.
Useful Links
Product Category Documentation
Using different buttons types and display templates with category
Display all the product(s) from a particular
[wp_eStore_category_fancy id=1]
Display a category with stylish thumbnail
image, category name, description in a
post or page. This uses the fancy 1 style
Display a list of all categories in a stylish
way in a post or page. This uses the fancy 1
style display.
Display a list of all products in a stylish
way in a post or page. This uses the fancy 1
style display.
Display a simple list of all products (just
the name, price and the Buy button of each
product is displayed in a table).
Miscellaneous Shortcodes
[wp_eStore_sale_counter id=1]
Display the "Sale Counter" of a product on a
post or page. This is used to show how many
of product has sold (Example: 100 copies
[wp_eStore_remaining_copies_counter id=1]
Display the "Available Copies" counter on a
post or page. This is used to show the quantity
of a product (Example: 100 copies left).
[wp_eStore_product_details id=1 info="name"]
Dynamically display a particular details of the
specified product. This example on the left
will display the name of the product. You can
change the value of the "info" parameter to
customize what details of the product you
show. For example:
info="price" - price of the product
info="description" - description of the
info="sales_count" - sales count of the
info="available_copies" -available
copies of the product
PHP Functions:
You can use the PHP functions in your theme's template file (if needed).
<?php echo get_button_code_for_product(1); ?>
Displays an "Add to Cart" button from a
Theme's template file (Example: Sidebar,
header, footer).
<?php echo show_product_fancy_style(1); ?>
Stylish Display of an "Add to Cart" button
from a Theme's template file.
<?php echo show_product_fancy_style2(1); ?>
Different Stylish Display of an "Add to Cart"
button from a Theme file.
<?php echo print_eStore_buy_now_button(1); ?>
Displays a "Buy Now" type button from a
Theme file (Example: header.php)
<?php echo print_eStore_subscribe_button_form(1);
Displays a "Subscription" button from a
theme's template file.
<?php echo eStore_free_download_form(1); ?>
Displays a "Squeeze" type form from a
Theme's template file.
<?php echo show_products_from_category(1); ?>
Display all the product(s) from a particular
category (Please note that 1 is the category
ID here)
<?php echo show_category_stylish(1); ?>
Display a category with stylish thumbnail
image, category name, description from a
template file
<?php echo show_all_categories_stylish(); ?>
Display a list of all categories in a stylish
<?php echo eStore_print_all_products_stylish(); ?>
Display a list of all products in a stylish
<?php echo eStore_shopping_cart(); ?>
Display the shopping cart (cart will be
visible only when items in the cart)
<?php echo wp_digi_cart_always_show(); ?>
Display a shopping cart that is always
<?php echo eStore_shopping_cart_fancy1(); ?>
Display the fancy1 shopping cart.
<?php echo
Display the fancy1 shopping cart. The cart
is only visible when there are items in it.
<?php echo eStore_get_sale_counter(1); ?>
Display the "Sale Counter" of a product
<?php echo
eStore_get_remaining_copies_counter(1); ?>
Display the "Available Copies" counter.
<?php echo
eStore_show_download_now_button(1); ?>
Display a button that lets the visitor
download a product.
<?php echo
eStore_show_product_details(1,"name"); ?>
Dynamically display a particular details of
the specified product. This example on the
left will display the name of the product
whose ID is 1. You can change the value of
the 2nd parameter to customize what
details of the product you show. See the
shortcode version of this function above
for more details.