Dr. T. Ramakrishna (Professor of Law, National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore, India)
Dr. S. K. Murthy (Research Scholar at NLSIU, Bangalore, India), and
Saurabh Malhotra (LLM (Warwick, UK), B.A, LLB (Hons.) (NLSIU, Bangalore, India))
Reviewed by
Brad Biddle (Adjunct Professor at ASU Law and Standards Counsel at Intel Corporation, USA)
Commissioned by the US National Academies of Science, Board of Science, Technology, and
Economic Policy (STEP), Project on Intellectual Property Management in standard setting processes
17 September 2012
The opinion(s) expressed by the authors in this research paper is in their personal capacity as an individual and
does not represent the opinion of the employers of the authors.
The 2010 “Policy on Open Standards for e-Governance” launched India into the global
debate over the definition of open standards. However, the story of standards in India is
richer and broader than only the e-Governance policy. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is a
standards development organization (SDO), which came into existence through an Act of the
Indian parliament. Another important government SDO functioning, in the
telecommunications domain, is the telecommunication engineering center (TEC), which was
formed under the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) in India. In addition, there has
been an increased effort tin setting up public-private partnership organizations for
formulating standards focused on information and communications (ICT) standardization.
Further, the Indian government has made important contributions on the topic of technical
standards in connection with the World Trade Organization’s Committee on Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT). These SDOs appear to be closely associated with one or the other
International standards development organizations such as W3C, IEEE, ISO, ITU, IEC, and
ETSI. This Paper will identify the institutions and processes that have historically been used to
develop standards in India, and explore how these are evolving to address standardization
issues raised by the explosion of information and communications technology. This Paper will
also summarize the new developments described above, with a focus on the intellectual
property aspects related to ICT. The ultimate goal of the paper will be to provide the reader
with a thorough overview of ICT standardization in India, with a special focus on intellectual
property considerations.
1.0 Introduction
Standards scenario in India has evolved over a period of time. The Government of
India (hereafter GOI) has set-up a Bureau of Indian Standards (hereafter BIS) in 1987,
which is a national Standards body. BIS is engaged in preparation and implementation of
Standards, certification, organization and management of testing laboratories, creating
consumer awareness, and creation of a liaison with the international Standards bodies. GOI
has played an important role in setting up Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) in
India, encouraging public-private participation in the area of Standards in India. GOI has also
contributed to development of Standards in the International arena. For example, with a
view to developing national capacity among the South East Asian least developed countries,
the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has implemented a project
entitled “Market access and trade facilitation support for South Asian least developed
countries, through strengthening institutional and national capacities related to Standards,
metrology, testing, and quality” a project financed by GOI and the Norwegian Agency for
Development Cooperation”
. In the recent years there has been an added emphasis on
Standards in India and some of the developments are interesting. They are, for example, the
adaptation of Open Standards for e-Governance, official approval and recognition of Global
ICT Standardization Forum for India (GISFI), and an increased presence of some Standards
Settings Organizations (SSO) are substantial indications of the importance that GOI has for
Standards. Also, it may be interesting to note that the Indian IP regime dates back to 1856 in
which patent protection was provided to inventions. Post Indian independence, a report
Justice Rajagopal Ayyangar committee had the purpose of granting patents for inventions
thereby encouraging the innovation culture in India and it lead finally to enactment of Patent
Act 1970. The India Patent Act 1970 requires that patented inventions are worked in India on
a commercial scale and to the fullest extent that is reasonably practicable without undue delay;
A working paper on “Role of Standards A guide for small and medium –sized enterprises” available from, last visited on 20th June, 2012.
[Available at the Library of National Law School of India University, Bangalore, India ]
and that they not granted merely to enable patentees to enjoy a monopoly for the importation
of the patented article
. The development of Standards and the interplay with Intellectual
property Rights is a phenomena occurring in India as well. This Paper briefly discusses the
factual developments in each of the above area.
1.1 National Standards Body Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
1.1.1: Introduction
The Indian Standards Institution (ISI) was set-up in 1947, as a registered society under
the GOI resolution. To further strengthen the Standards regime in India and to keep-up with
the changing socio-economic needs, the GOI set-up Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) in 1987
and gave it a statutory status. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
took over the assets,
liabilities and functions of the erstwhile ISI and has been serving as the national standards
development organization (SDO) from thereon. BIS was set-up with an objective to (a)
promote harmonious development of standardization, marking and quality certification; (b)
provide new thrust to standardization and quality control; and (c) evolve a national strategy
for according recognition to standards and integrating them with growth and development
of production and exports. To meet these objectives, BIS is engaged in preparation and
implementation of Standards in India covering several technical areas and BIS is a
certification agency as well. Further, BIS is responsible for management of testing
laboratories, creating consumer awareness, and creation of a liaison with the international
Standards bodies.
As on 31
March 2011, the total number of Indian standards, formed by the BIS, that
are in force was 18610
. Out of the 18610, BIS has harmonized 4787 Indian standards with
the international standards, majorly with that of ISO/IEC. In the year 2010-2011, BIS has
formulated 338 standards of which 137 are new and 207 are revised standards to keep-up
with the requirements of the emerging technologies. BIS has a the necessary organizational
Patent Act 1970, Section. 83.
4 last visited 27
July, 2012
Annual report 2010 2011, available from, last visited 27
structure to form the Indian Standards in 14 sectors
, which include production and general
engineering, chemicals, civil engineering, electronics and information technology, electro-
technical, food and agriculture, mechanical engineering, management and systems, medical
equipment and hospital planning, metallurgical engineering, petroleum coal and related
products, transport engineering, textile and water resources. Each of these sectors is
managed by a division council and a detailed work program for each of these sectors is
published on 1
April of each year. The work program includes a committee-wise position of
published Standards and draft Standards at different stages of preparation. Further, special
attention is given to multi-disciplinary areas such energy conservation, environmental
protection, and rural development and safety.
1.1.2: ICT related Division Councils
The work program and activities of at least some of the division councils are relevant
from the perspective of this paper. The work program and activities of the electro-technical
division council (ETDC) and electronics and information technology division council (LITD) are
discussed in detail here in this paper. The ETDC is focused on bringing about standardization
in the field of electrical power generation, transmission, distribution and utilization
equipment, insulating materials, winding wires, measuring and process control instruments
and primary and secondary batteries. The Electronics and Information Technology Division
Council (LITD) is focused on bringing about Standardization in the field of electronics and
telecommunications including the information technology. Electro-Technical Division Council [ETDC]
ETDC was formed in 1957 and it includes 37 sectional committees. Initially, while
forming Indian standards, assistance was drawn from British Standards, VDE
, American
National Standards Institute (ANSI), Underwriters Laboratory (UL), and Japan Industrial
Standards (JIS). However, from early 1980’s many of the Indian standards have adopted
ISO/IEC standards. India is a signatory to General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT)
6 , last visited 27
July, 2012
VDE standards -, last visited on 27
July, 2012
and is obligated, at least in some sectors, to adopt ISO/IEC standards. ETDC has formed 2817
Indian standards in the area of electro-technology and 667 Indian standards are identical to
ISO/IEC standards and 1010 Indian standards are technically equivalents of ISO/IEC
ETDC formulates standards in various categories to provide a well-balanced standards
system in India. For example, the major categories in which standards are formed include
products and method of test. The products and method of test categories account for more
than 60% of the standards developed by ETDC. Further, the category of major focus is
standards for products, which accounts for 45% of the standards formed by ETDC. A
summary of the aspect-wise breakup of Indian standards formulated by ETDC is provided in
NO. of Standards
Method of Test
Codes of Practices
Table.1: Indian Standards formulated by ETDC
A presentation from BSI, titled “Standardization activities in Electrical, Electronics, and Information Technology”, available
from Electronics and Information Technology Division Council [LITD]
was formed in 1977 and it includes 21 sectional committees. LITDC has
formulated 1471 Indian standards of which 409 Indian standards are adopted from the
ISO/IEC and 578 Indian standards are technical equivalent to ISO/IEC standards. The 21
sectional committees include, for example, committees on (a) Semiconductor and other
electronic components (LITD 5); (b) Audio, Video, Multimedia systems and equipment (LITD
7); (c) Transmitting equipment for Radio communication (LITD 12); (d) Information and
Communication Technologies (LITD 13); (e) Software and System Engineering (LITD 14); (f)
Data management System (LITD 15); (g) Computer Hardware peripherals and Identification
cards (LITD 16); (h) Information systems Security and Biometrics (LITD 17); (i) e-Governance
(LITD 18); (j) e-Learning (LITD 19 ); (k) Indian Language Technologies (LITD 20 ); and (l) e-
Business Infrastructure (LITD 21). These sectional committees have developed standards in
their focus areas. For example, the Semiconductor and other electronic components (LITD 5)
sectional committee has developed 497 standards, Audio, Video, Multimedia systems and
equipments (LITD 7) has developed 86 standards such as (IS 15244, IS 15245 and IS 15377),
Software and System Engineering (LITD 14) has developed 66 standards all harmonized with
ISO/IEC, Computer Hardware peripherals and Identification cards (LITD 16) has developed 74
standards such as (IS 13252:2003/IEC 60950:2000 and IS 14202), and Information systems
Security and Biometrics (LITD 17) has developed 10 standards such as (IS/ISO/IEC 27001).
Information and Communication Technologies (LITD 13) prepares Indian Standards
relating to computer communication networks and interfaces to these computers including
microprocessor system, interfaces, protocols, and associated interconnecting media for
information technology equipments generally for commercial and residential environments
as well as routers, transmitting switches equipment etc. For developing many ICT
Indian standards, BIS liaisons with (a) the ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC 6 Telecommunications and
Information exchange between systems; (b) the ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC25-Interconnection of
A presentation titled National and International IT Standardization, available at, last
visited on 27
July 2012.
Page 95of the “Programme of work” (as on 1
April, 2012), Electronics and Information Technology Department (LITD),
available at, last visited 29
July 2012.
information technology equipment; and (c) ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC35 - User Interfaces. LITD 13 has
published 3 Indian standards on Terminology and 13 Indian standards on other ICT related
The Table 2 below provides a list of all the ICT related Indian standards. The Indian
standards (IS) that are relevant from the interoperability point of view are 3, 4, 5, and 16.
While the IS in Sl. Nos 3, 4, and 5 provides a physical pin interconnect standard for interface
connectors with different number of pins and IS in Sl.No.16 provides a protocol standard for
interconnection, which may facilitate interoperability. An observation as far the IS’s formed
by LITD-13 is that the ISs are mostly based on the International Standards developed by the
ISO/IEC. Each IS (in col. 2) is a combination of alphanumeric tag starting with alphabets IS
(Indian Standards) followed by a number (for example, IS 13919:1994) and is further
associated with ISO/IEC tag (for example, ISO/IEC 8073:1992), which implies that the Indian
Standard IS 13919:1994 is developed based on the ISO/IEC 8073:1992. In ICT, the ISs are
either technically equivalent or same as ISO/IEC standards.
IS Number/ DOC No
Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part 26
Telecommunication relays
Jan 2012
IS 1885(Part 58):1984/
IEC 60050(701)
Electrotechnical vocabulary: Part 58
Telecommunication channels and networks
Jan 2012
IS 10735:1983/ISO
25 Pin DTE/DCE interface connectors and pin
assignments for data communication
Jan 2012
IS 10736:1983/ISO
37 Pin and 9 Pin DTE/DCE interface connectors
and pin assignments for data communication
Jan 2012
IS 10737:1983/ISO
15 Pin DTE/DCE interface connectors and pin
assignments for data communication
Jan 2012
IS 11413:1986/ISO
Character structure for start/stop and
synchronous transmission for information
Jan 2012
IS 11414:1986/ISO
Basic mode control procedures for data
communication systems
Jan 2012
IS 11416:1986/ISO
2628 :1973
Basic mode control procedure complements
Jan 2012
IS 11418(Part 1):
1986/ ISO
High level data link control procedures: Part 1
Frame structure
Jan 2012
IS 11418(Part 2):1986/
ISO 4335:1984/
High Level data link control procedures: Part 2
Consolidation of elements of procedures
Jan 2012
IS 12032(Part 9):1993/
IEC 60617-9(1983)
Graphial symbols for diagrams in the field of
electro technology: Part 9 Telecommunications,/
IEC 60617-9(1983) switching and peripheral
Jan 2012
IS 12285:1987/ISO
Start-stop transmission signal quality at DTE/DCE
Jan 2012
IS 13589:1993/ISO
Transport service definition in open systems
interconnection for information processing
Jan 2012
IS 13611:1993/ISO
Protocol for providing the connectionless - Mode
network service in data communications for
information processing systems
Jan 2012
IS 13868:1993/
Network service definition in data
communications for information processing
Jan 2012
IS 13919:1994/
ISO/IEC 8073:1997
Information technology - Telecommunications
and information exchange between systems
Open systems interconnection - Protocol for
providing the connection - Mode transport service
Jan 2012
TABLE-2: Indian Standards formulated by (LITD-13) in the year 2012
Also, another interesting fact is that the BIS formulate standards in all the areas
except the telecommunications area. The following section discusses the standards
development body in the telecommunication area.
1.1.3: Process of Setting Standards in BIS
BIS formulates Indian Standards in a transparent manner through a consensus
process. The technical committees of BIS comprise experts from concerned areas such as
consumers, producers/manufacturers, R&D Centers, NGOs, and Regulatory Bodies etc.
Further, the adoption of Indian Standards is generally voluntary in nature and their
implementation depends on adoption by concerned parties. An Indian Standard becomes
binding if it is stipulated in a contract executed between the BIS and the manufacturer, who
intends to manufacture products based on a specific BIS standard. However, there are
certain BIS standards under mandatory certification
and any person (or a company) who
intend to manufacture products based on these mandatory standards are to obtain a license
and comply with the BIS standards.
Generally, the development of an Indian Standard by BIS includes the following steps:
(a) Receipt of Proposal; (b) Acceptance of Proposal; (c) Preparation of Proposed Draft; (d)
Development & Acceptance of Proposed Draft; (e) Approval of Wide Circulation Draft; (f)
Consideration of comments; (g) Finalization of Draft; and (h) Publication of Standard.
However, based on the discussions with a BIS officer, who has been involved in the
Standards development process, there appears to no discussion on dealing with patented
technology while setting standards. An interesting input provided by the BIS officer clearly
indicates that they do want to avoid inventions protected by IPRs becoming a part of the BIS
Standards. Table-3 below depicts a project approach to development of Standards by BIS.
Requests for new Indian Standards or revisions of or amendments to existing
standards may come from Ministries of Central and State governments, Union territory
List of Standards under mandatory Certification, available at , last visited on 12
administrations, Consumer Organizations, Industrial units, Industry Associations, professional
bodies, Members of Bureau and Members of BIS technical committees. Sources wishing to
submit a proposal to BIS for new standardization work are first requested to furnish
information explaining its significance, justification etc. in a prescribed format. The first P-
draft is circulated to members of the Sectional Committee and concerned Sub-committee(s)
and Panel(s) for comments, with a clear indication of the latest date for sending comments.
Comments received are discussed in the meeting of the Committee. The decision to approve
the P-draft as Wide Circulation draft is taken on the basis of the consensus principle.
Consensus means general agreement, characterized by the absence of sustained
opposition to substantial issues by any important part of the concerned interests and by a
process that involves seeking to take into account the views of all parties concerned and to
reconcile any conflicting agreements". As noted above, the inventions/technologies
protected by IPR is generally avoided from becoming a part of the Standards and thus the
consensus arrived at is independent of the IPRs.
Sl No
Project Stage
Associated Doc
Stages at the ISO
New work item proposal
New work item proposal
Request for a new
Standard, constitute a
Working Draft (WD)
Working Draft (WD)
Proposal is usually
accompanied by a WD
Preliminary Draft (P-draft)
Committee Draft (CD)
WD modified by the
member Secretary is the
Wide circulation draft (WC)
Draft International
Standards (DIS)
P-draft modified by the
committees is the WC
National Standard
International Standard
WC draft is finalized by
the committee based on
the comments received.
Table 3 A project approach to Standards development process by BIS.
1.1.4: IP Policy for Standards formulated by BIS
BIS has no clear, certain, and separate IP policy framework relating to the Standards
that it formulates. In case of Indian Standards, which are technically equivalent or same as
the International Standards, the IP Policy of respective International Standards organization
governs. The author contacted officials of the BIS to get direct information on the issues. A
senior officer of BIS (who did not want his identity to be disclosed) very candidly said that
they use technology that is already being commonly used (i.e., without any IP ownership in
it). Moreover, the officer mentioned that BIS does not fix any design (or technology) in the
Standards and they merely, at a very high level, lay down principles. However, if a licensee
manufacturers a product covered by BIS standards and if the manufacturer intends to use a
technology protected by IPRs, then the manufacturer is obligated to contact the IP holder
directly and get a license to use to IP protected technology or the manufacturer may
purchase the components directly from the IP owner. BIS will not interfere in a transaction
between the parties.
The officer recited an example (quoted here): Example: if BIS sets a standard for
pencil, all BIS would say is a paint that may cause health hazards should not be used or a
wood that is soft enough to easily sharpen the pencil should be used. BIS does not specify
the paint and the standard for the paint, which should be used. However, if the
manufacturer of the pencil wants to get a license for making paint, which is protected by
IPRs then the manufacturer will have to go to the IPR holder directly to obtain a license for
making paint. On the other hand, if the IPR holder is a manufacturer of the paint, the
manufacturer of the pencil may buy the paint from the IPR holder (and manufacturer) of the
It is an interesting fact that the BIS formulate standards in all the areas except the
telecommunications area. Since telecommunication sector is a one of major thrust in this
paper, the following section discusses the standards development body in the
telecommunication area.
1.2 National Standards BodyTelecommunication Engineering Center (TEC)
1.2.1: Introduction
In India, the Telecommunication Engineering Center (TEC)
is a body under telecom
commission and a nodal agency of the Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of
Communications and Information Technology, GOI. Some of the major functions of the TEC
include: (a) developing specification of common standards with regard to Telecom network
equipment, services and interoperability; (b) Formulation of Standards and Fundamental
Technical Plans; (c) Interact with multilateral agencies like APT, ETSI and ITU etc. for
standardization. TEC has an agenda to participate in professional bodies such as ITU - T,
WiMax Forum, TM Forum, Enum Working Group, IETF, IEEE etc. and partner with multilateral
organization like APT , CTO etc. to protect country`s interests. TEC is also setting up Asia
Telecom Standards Institute (ATSI) in New Delhi and Telecom consultancy to S.E. Asia and
SAARC countries.
TEC has developed various specifications and has classified such specifications into
GRs, interface requirements (IRs), and Standards. TEC has developed a score of Indian
Standards in important technical areas such as “Standard for IPV6 conformance and
Interoperability” (SD/IPV6-001/01 MARCH.2011), National Standards for H.248 (SD/GCP-
01/02 AUG.2008), National Standards for SIP (SD/SIP-01/01 SEP.2008), and National
Standard for V5.2 Interface (TEC/SD/SW/VAN-SIG/03/ MAR.2010). A list of Indian Standards
developed by TEC
is provided in the Table-4 below:
Name of the Product
Standard for Data Dictionary
SD/SDD-01/01MAR 02
Technical Requirements for International Gateway Connectivity
S/IGW-01/01. JAN01
ISP Traffic Legal Intercept and Monitoring System
SD/IMC-01/01. MAR 04
Standard on NMS
SD/NMS-002/01 FEB 05
Standard for IPv6 Conformance and interoperability
New Standard on Radio Devices in unlicensed band 2.4 GHZ
SD/RAD-01/01.SEP 2005
Alphabets on Keypad
SD/AKP-01/01.AUG 2003
Blue tooth enabled terminal (Note: Certificate of Approval will be
issued for Blue tooth Enabled Wireless Terminal against applicant's
S/BET-01/01.MAY 2001
Requirements of Subscribers End Equipment (SEE)
Connected To 2-W Cable Plant
S/INT-2W/02.MAY 2001
National Common Channel Signaling Plan
National CCS7 Standards for MTP and ISUP (Amendment No.1 dated
14/08/2000, Amendment No.2 Dated 22/03/2001) (Addendum No. 1
dated 30/07/2002)
National Q3 Interface Standards
National TCAP Standards
ISDN User-Network Interface (S/T) National Standards
Nationals Standards for ISDN Basic Rate Access U-Interface
Standard on Network Management System for Telecommunication
National SCCP Standards
SD/CCS-03/03.MAR 06
National Standard for V5.1 Interface
Intelligent Network Application Protocol (INAP) National Standards
National Standards for H.248
SD/GCP-01/02 AUG.2008
National Standards for SIP
SD/SIP-01/01 SEP.2008
National Standard for V5.2 Interface
Electromagnetic Compatibility Standard for Telecommunication
09 (Supersedes SD/EMI-
02/03 MAY.2006
TABLE-4: List of Standards of TEC
Some of the Indian Standards developed by TEC are briefly discussed here with an
intention to understand the extent to which these Indian Standards are close to or deviate
from the International Standards. For instance, section 5 of the “Standard for IPV6
conformance and Interoperability” (SD/IPV6-001/01 MARCH.2011)
, provides the scope of
the document. The scope of the document almost unambiguously indicates that the Indian
Standard (for IPV6 conformance and Interoperability) is based on the International Standards
rather than deviating from the International Standards. The highlighted portion below
(provided here for ready reference) indicates that the current Indian Standard is primarily
based on requirements specified by the IPV6 Forum. However, it is also interesting to note
that some additional requirements are incorporated based on Indian conditions.
5. Scope of the Document.
a. The document specifies the standards requirements of networking
equipments for theirIPv6 conformance and interoperability with other similar
networking equipments running the IPv6 protocol in a network.
b. Due to the universality of IPv6 and the fact that some parts of the
specifications are still in a grey area as these have not been adequately
addressed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), a large number of
implementations are possible due to variations in interpretation. Therefore,
interoperability will be a critical feature of IPv6 based networking equipments.
c. This document is primarily based on the requirements specified by the IPv6
Forum, and in particular the “IPv6 Ready Logo Programme” for Phase-I and
Phase-II for IPv6 conformance and Interoperability of networking
equipments. Additional requirements based on Indian conditions have also
been incorporated to some extent.
d. Government agencies, network providers and organizations are expected to
procure and deploy IPv6 ready equipments based on these minimum
specifications and amendments released from time to time.
e. This document does not give details on transition strategies for moving from
IPv4 based networks to IPv6 based networks. These are covered in specific IETF
RFCs not within the scope of this document. These IETF specifications are given
below which address issues in specific deployment and transition scenarios for
Enterprise and ISPs.
Like-wise, the National Standards for H.248
(SD/GCP-01/02 AUG.2008) is based on
the International standards. The Chapter-1 titled as Scope (relevant sub-sections are
reproduced and highlighted here for ready reference) indicates that the Indian Standard (for
(SD/GCP-01/02 AUG.2008) is based on ITU-T recommendations:
CHAPTER-1: Scope
1.1 This document defines the protocol to be used between elements of a
physically decomposed multimedia gateway i.e. Media Gateway Controller
(Softswitch) and Media Gateways (MGs) like Trunk Media Gateway
(TMGW)/Line Media Gateway (LMG).
1.2 Packet network interface shall be IP for this protocol.
1.3 The national standards for H.248 described herein are based on ITU-T
recommendation H.248.1 version 2 and support for packages as per ITU-T
recommendations ITU-T-H.248.2-4, 6-24, 26-27, 30-42, 44-47. Appropriate
comments are provided where necessary for the clauses in above
recommendations. In all other cases, the relevant ITU-T recommendations
are part of national standards.
1.4 The document covers the functional requirements and architecture of
Gateway Control Protocol.
1.5 For all ITU-T Recommendations and IETF standard/RFC referred in this
document, the latest release shall be applicable.
1.2.2: Process of Setting Standards in TEC
TEC engages with stakeholders (R&D centres, manufacturers, service providers,
academia, users, etc.) to collaborate and channelize R&D activities for development of
standards/IPRs for new products and services. TEC emphasizes participation from academia
and R&D centers to develop standards for telecom products and services. TEC actively
encourages its stakeholders to participate in developmental process of standards in national
and international forums and participate in National Working Group (NWG) meetings to
agree upon national stance on a particular standard.
It may be also interesting to note that TEC (or the parent body- Department of
Telecommunications, DOT) has proposed to establish a national telecom Standards
Development Organisation, to focus especially on the country-specific requirements by
drawing synergy from all the stakeholders, viz., R&D centers, manufacturers, service
providers, academia, users, etc. Further, TEC has been evolving methodologies for transfer-
of-technology, manufacture and commercialization of new products and services, for
generation of revenue for survival of the entire process. Also, TEC is focusing on evolving
suitable mechanism for handling IPRs, without stifling the growth.
1.2.3: IP Policy for Standards formulated by TEC
A very senior official (who did not want his identity to be disclosed) at TEC in Delhi
office told that TEC has not been developing standards for technology but, it only develops
specifications for equipments for Indian condition and any technology used in these
equipments need to conform to the International Standards (ITU). Thus, the
telecommunication Standards developed by TEC comply with the IPR policy of ITU
, which
has a disclosure requirement and the patent holder participating in the ITU standards setting
process is to provide a “patent statement and licensing declaration”, which spells out
whether the patentee is providing the license on royalty free (RF) or FRAND or RAND terms.
Such negotiations are left to the parties and are outside the scope of ITU. However, if the
patentee is unwilling to license the patent rights, such technology or inventions covered by
the patent may not be used in the Standards.
1.2.4: Reference to Standards in License Agreements
Department of Telecommunications (DoT) uses license agreements to provide
licenses to a licensee to provide various services. The license agreements include a part on
Technical conditions, which explicitly mandates the licensee to use a technology conforming
to Standards. Few license agreements have been examined to understand the requirements,
which have to be met by the licensee. The license agreement titled: “License Agreement for
Provision of Cellular Mobile Telephone Service (CMTS)”
under Part IV: Technical Conditions,
mandate the licensee to use a technology, mostly, based on International Standards and the
portions of the Part 1V are reproduced here.
24.1 The Bidders shall specify the details of the technology (which shall always be digital),
quality of service and other performance parameters of the system proposed to be deployed
for operation of the service. The technology should be based on standards issued by ITU/TEC
or any other International Standards Organization/ bodies and the licensee shall seek the
approval of the licensor before deployment of such technologies. Any digital technology
having been used for a customer base of one lakh or more for a continuous period of one year
anywhere in the world, shall be permissible for use regardless of its changed versions. A
Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC, available at, last
visited on 11
Sept, 2012.
certificate from the manufacturers about satisfactory working for a customer base of one lakh
or more over the period of one year, shall be treated as established technology.
24.2 Number Plan:The Numbering Plan at the PSTN Interface shall be as per ITU-T
24.3 Signalling Schemes: The Signalling between the MSC of the Service Provider and
Interconnected Network shall be CCS No.7 or as otherwise mutually agreed between the
Operators of the two networks, subject to orders/regulations issued by the licensor/TRAI from
time to time.
24.4 Minimum Facilities: Calling Line Identification (CLI) shall be provided. The network
should also support Malicious Call identification and CAMA.
24.5 Quality of Service: The system should meet the Quality of Service
standards/requirements as specified by TRAI from time to time.
Another license agreement titled: “License Agreement for International Long Distance Service (ILD)”
under several clauses of the agreement mandate the licensee to conform to International Standards. Also, it
may interesting to note that the licensee is mandated to conform to Indian Standards (developed by TEC) while
interfacing between the two networks within India. The following sections in the license agreement refer to
Standards (International and Indian):
2. APPLICABLE SYSTEMS” means all the necessary equipment, systems / sub-systems and
components of the network engineered to meet relevant ITU standards, ITU-T, ITU-R
recommendations, TEC specifications and Industry Standards for provision of SERVICE in accordance
with operational, technical and quality requirements and other terms and conditions of the Licence
16.1 The LICENSEE shall ensure adherence to the National FUNDAMENTAL PLAN
(describing numbering and routing plan as well as transmission plan) issued by Department of Telecom
and technical standards as prescribed by LICENSOR or TRAI, from time to time. For providing choice of
International Long Distance Operator, the equipment shall support the selection facilities such as
dynamic selection or pre-selection as per prevailing regulation, direction, order or determination issued
by LICENSOR or TRAI on the subject.
16.2 LICENSEE shall use any type of network equipment, including circuit and/or packet
switches, that meet the relevant International Telecommunication Union (ITU)/ Telecommunication
Engineering Centre (TEC) standards/ Industry standards in the absence of these (ITU/TEC) standards.
Explanation: In the cases where both ITU and industry standards exist, ITU standards will
prevail over the industry standards.
16.3 In case of new technologies, where no standards have been determined, the
LICENSEE will seek the approval of the LICENSOR before deploying them and such technologies which
are successfully in use internationally for at least one year continuously for a SUBSCRIBER base of one
lakh, shall be preferred for adoption
The license agreement clarifies under Explanation that In the cases where both ITU
and industry standards exist, ITU standards will prevail over the industry standards”. This
clarification particularly suggests that the International Standards are given due importance
and Telecommunication services and products would be conformance with the International
Standards. According to the authors, one or two reasons for preferring international
Standards over Indian Standards may be due to sustained availability of telecommunication
devices conforming to International Standards and it may also be due to absence of
Standards development organizations (SDO) in which local telecommunication players can
participate and come up with their own standards. Until a large number of local
telecommunication players emerge and they have a need to formulate different Standards,
the GOI may continue to prefer International Standards such as ITU.
1.3 Role of Indian Standards Bodies in International Standards Bodies
1.3.1: Role of BIS
BIS is active in the field of International Standardization by participating in the various
activities of the ISO and IEC. Also, BIS is active in the field of regional and bilateral
Bureau of Indian Standards- Annual Report 2010-2011, available at:, last
visited on 12
Sept, 2012
cooperation with other countries. The details of some of the important activities are
highlighted below:
International Organization for Standardization (ISO): BIS is a founder member of the ISO
and a member on the policy making bodies of ISO such as the Committee on Developing
Country Matters (DEVCO), Committee on Conformity Assessment (CASCO), and Committee
on Consumer Policy (COPOLCO). BIS is a P (participating) member in 90 technical
committees and O-member in 98 technical committees and a P-member in 198 sub-
committees and O-member in 220 sub-committees. Further, BIS holds secretarial
responsibilities for 2 Technical Committees (ISO/TC 113 Hydrometry and ISO/TC 120 Leather)
and 6 Subcommittees. BIS has also been successfully utilizing the ISO Global Directory for
managing the database with regard to participation in ISO Technical Committees (TCs)/ Sub-
committees (SCs)/ Working Groups (WGs) work. BIS is active in ISO general assembly (GA)
and technical management board (TMB). ISO GA 2011 was hosted by BIS in New Delhi and
BIS was an elected member of the TMB between 2009 and 2011.
International Electro-technical Commission (IEC): BIS participated actively in the various
activities of IEC and is a member of IECEE, IECQ, IECEx related to certification of electrical and
electronic products/components. BIS, actively, participates in the IEC Committees/Sub-
committees where India is P member. IEC has accepted the Indian invitation to hold IEC GM
in 2013 in India.
Regional Co-operation Programme: BIS is active in Regional Cooperation Programmes such
as SAARC and PASC in the areas related to Standards and Conformity Assessment. PASC: BIS
participated in the 34th meeting of PASC held at Bangkok, Thailand from 30 March to 3 April
2011. BIS has also become a member on PASC EC in March 2011. SAARC: BIS participated
actively in the meetings of the SAARC Standards Coordination Board (SSCB) held in Nepal in
November 2010. The meetings emphasized the importance of the role of the standards and
conformity assessment in the context of strengthening of trade facilitation. Further, BIS was
leading the SAARC meeting of Inter-Governmental Expert Group held from 13-14 March
2011 at Dhaka, Bangladesh and a draft on Multilateral Arrangement on Recognition of
Conformity Assessment and draft on Implementation of Regional Standards agreements
were finalized.
WTO/TBT enquiry point: BIS acts as the WTO/TBT Enquiry Point. BIS works closely with
Ministry of Commerce on issues related to WTO and help the GOI in formulating India’s view
points on various documents and consultations being held at WTO. Necessary inputs were
provided to Ministry of Commerce on various issues relating to TBT Agreement. All queries
pertaining to Standards and Conformity Assessment Systems, both national and of other
countries, from concerned interests were suitably replied. A total of 1665 TBT Notifications
were disseminated during the period. BIS officers participated in NAMA negotiations at WTO
1.3.2 Role of TEC
Under the ageis of TEC, the following presentations were made in International
Meetings. (a) Preparation and presentation of following Proposals, in meetings of APT, and
WTDC-10 meeting of ITU, at Hyderabad, (b) Creation of Common Database of Information
and sharing-mechanism of Radio Equipment for Emergency Communications; (c) ii.
Interoperability in Next Generation Networks. (d) iii. ITU-D Assistance in Digital Broadcasting;
Formulation of the 'Hyderabad Declaration' in WTDC-10 meeting of ITU. TEC has provided
additional contributions given in various sessions of ITU and APT Meetings, to safeguard the
interests of India; presentation on 'NGN Regulation and Migration Strategies' and 'Security
Issues in IPv6' in workshop of ITU at New Delhi; Presentation on 'Creating IPR through
supporting R&D to enable Indigenous Manufacturing' in seminar on India Telecom 2010 of
CII, at New Delhi.
TEC participates in the following International meetings, to keep abreast with latest
developments in new technologies, and to protect interests of India. (i) ITU-T Study Group-
13 meeting at Geneva (ii) ITU-T meeting of Focus Group on Future networks at Geneva (iii)
WTDC-10 Meeting of ITU at Hyderabad (iv) ITU-R Working Party 4B meeting at Geneva (v)
DOT - Annual Report 2010-2011, available at: ,
last visited on 12
Sept, 2012
ITU-T NGN-GSI meeting at Geneva (vi) ITU-T meeting of Focus Group on Future networks at
Geneva (vii) ITU Plenipotentiary Conference-2010 at Guadalajara, Mexico (viii) ITU-R Working
Party 5D meeting in China; ITU-T SG-5 meeting at Geneva (ix) ITU-R Working Party 5A
meeting at Geneva (x) ITU-T meeting of Focus Group on Future networks at Ljubljana (xi) APT
preparatory meeting for WRC, at Hong Kong.
2.0 Other Standards Bodies in India
2.1: Global ICT Standardization Forum for India (GISFI)
The Global ICT Standardization Forum for India (GISFI) is an Indian standardization
body active in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and related
application areas, such as energy, telemedicine, wireless robotics, biotechnology. GISFI is
making an effort to create a new coherence and strengthen the role of India in the world
standardization process by mapping the achievements in ICT in India to the global
standardization trends. Further, GISFI is focused on strengthening the ties among leading and
emerging scholars and institutions in India and the world; to develop and cultivate a research
and development agenda for the field. GISFI addresses the research and product
development of ICT in India and provides a bridge towards the globalization of the Indian
achievements; the issues of technology, governance, and development; and a platform for
raising an awareness of the importance and the internationalization of the higher education
in the field are supported by the joint partnership with the Government of India. The
working groups organized in GISFI will draw knowledge from academia, business, civil
society, and Government/policy-making circles.
In a nutshell, GISFI encompasses the following activities: Drawing up provisions and
requirements for the ICT standardization process to support the establishment of
agreements that: Give one or more solutions for a given problem and ensure a repeated use;
Provision for a basis for future research and product developments that can reach the global
market; Weigh equally the interests of all involved parties. Not reinventing the wheel, but
using existing solutions (set down in standards), which have already been well thought out.
Bringing India’s own procedure into line with what is normal elsewhere, so that cooperation
is simpler and purchasing cheaper. GISFI has various work groups (WG): (a) Security and
Privacy; (b) Future Radio Networks; (c) Special Interest Group; (d) Internet of Things (IoT); (e)
Cloud and Service Oriented Network; (f) Green ICT; (g) Spectrum.
2.2: GISFI’s IPR Policy:
GISFI’s adopted IPR Policy is based on ETSI’s IPR
Policy which is stable and matured
by contribution from 700 strong memberships without any changes/modifications.
However, GISFI has an IPR policy of its own and the salient features of the GISFI’s IPR policy
is provided below:
2.2.1: Policy Objectives
GISFI's objective is to create Standards and Technical specifications that are based on
solutions, which best meet the technical objectives of the European telecommunications
sector, as defined by the General Assembly. In order to further this objective the GISFI IPR
policy is aimed at reducing the risk to GISFI, members, and others applying GISFI Standards
and Technical Specifications, that investment in the preparation, adoption and application of
Standards could be wasted as a result of an essential IPR for a Standard or Technical
Specifications, being unavailable. In achieving this objective, the GISFI IPR policy intends to
seek a balance between the needs of standardization for public use in the field of
telecommunications and the rights of the owners of IPRs.
IPR holders whether members of GISFI and their affiliates or third parties, will be
adequately and fairly rewarded for the use of their IPRs in the implementation of Standards
and Technical Specifications,. Also, GISFI’s intent is to enable Standards and Technical
ETSI Guide on Intellectual Property Right, Version adapted by Board #70 on 27 November, 2008, available from
Bye-Laws and Rules of procedure, available at:
Specifications, to be available to potential users in accordance with the general principles of
2.2.2: Disclosure of IPRs
Each GISFI member involved in development of a Standards or Technical
Specifications is to inform GISFI of essential IPRs in a timely fashion. GISFI expects that a
member submitting a technical proposal for a Standard or Technical Specification, shall, on a
bona fide basis; draw the attention of GISFI to any of that member’s IPR which might be
essential if that proposal is adopted. However, the Member does not have any obligation to
conduct IPR searches. A member’s disclosure obligations are deemed to be fulfilled in
respect of all existing and future members of a patent family if GISFI is informed of a
member of this patent family in a timely fashion. Information on other members of this
patent family, if any, may be voluntarily provided.
2.2.3: Availability of Licenses
When an essential IPR relating to a particular Standard or Technical Specification, is
brought to the attention of GISFI, the Director-General of GISFI shall immediately request the
owner to give within three months an irrevocable undertaking in writing that it is prepared
to grant irrevocable licenses on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms and
conditions under such IPR to at least the following extent:
manufacture, including the right to make or have made customized
components and sub-systems to the licensee's own design for use
in manufacture;
sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of equipment so manufactured;
repair, use, or operate equipment; and
use methods.
Further, in the event a member assigns or transfers ownership of an essential IPR that
it disclosed to GISFI, the member shall exercise reasonable efforts to notify the assignee or
transferee of any undertaking it has made to GISFI with regard to that essential IPR. An
undertaking with regard to a specified member of a patent family shall apply to all existing
and future essential IPRs of that patent family unless there is an explicit written exclusion of
specified IPRs at the time the undertaking is made. The extent of any such exclusion shall be
limited to those explicitly specified IPRs. If the requested undertaking of the IPR owner is not
granted, the committee Chairmen may use their judgment as to whether or not the
committee should suspend work on the relevant parts of the Standard or Technical
Specification until the matter has been resolved and/or submit for approval any relevant
Standard or Technical specification.
At the request of the European Commission and/or EFTA, initially for a specific
Standard and Technical Specification, or a class of Standards/Technical Specifications, GISFI
may arrange an investigation including an IPR search, with the objective of ascertaining
whether IPRs exist or are likely to exist which may be or may become essential to a proposed
Standard and Technical Specification, and the possible terms and conditions of licenses for
such IPRs. The members can use one of the GISFI IPR Licensing Declaration forms to make
their IPR licensing declarations. GISFI intends to include a statement on essential IPRs in any
published Standard or Technical Specification.
2.2.4: Non-availability of Licenses (Prior to publication of a Standard or
Technical Specification)
If a viable alternative technology exists prior to the publication of a Standard and
Technical Specification, and if an IPR owner informs GISFI that it is not prepared to license an
IPR in respect of the Standard or Technical Specification, the General Assembly shall review
the requirement for that Standard or Technical Specification and satisfy itself that a viable
alternative technology is available for the Standard or Technical Specification which:
is not blocked by that IPR; and
Satisfies GISFI's requirements.
If a viable alternative technology does not exist: where, in the opinion of the
General Assembly, no such viable alternative technology exists, work on the Standard or
Technical Specification shall cease, and the Director-General of GISFI shall observe the
following procedure:
a) If the IPR owner is a MEMBER,
i) The Director-General of GISFI shall request that MEMBER to reconsider its
ii) If that MEMBER however decides not to withdraw its refusal to license the
IPR, it shall then inform the Director-General of GISFI of its decision and
provide a written explanation of its reasons for refusing to license that IPR,
within three months of its receipt of the Director-General's request.
iii) The Director-General of GISFI shall then send the MEMBER's explanation
together with relevant extracts from the minutes of the General Assembly to
the GISFI Counselors for their consideration.
b) If the IPR owner is a third party,
i) the Director-General of GISFI shall, wherever appropriate, request full
supporting details from any MEMBER who has complained that licenses are
not available and/or request appropriate MEMBERS to use their good offices
to find a solution to the problem.
ii) Where this does not lead to a solution the Director-General of GISFI shall
write to the IPR owner concerned for an explanation and request ultimately
that licenses be granted.
iii) Where the IPR owner refuses the Director-General's request and decides
not to withdraw its refusal to license the IPR or does not answer the letter
within three months after the receipt of the Director-General's request, the
Director-General shall then send the IPR owner's explanation, if any, together
with relevant extracts from the minutes of the General Assembly to the GISFI
Counselors for their consideration.
Prior to any decision by the General Assembly, the committee should in consultation
with the GISFI Secretariat use their judgment as to whether or not the committee should
pursue development of the concerned parts of the Standard or Technical Specification based
on the non-available technology and should look for alternative solutions.
2.2.5: Non-availability of licenses (after the publication of a Standard or Technical
Where, in respect of a published Standard or Technical Specification, GISFI becomes
aware that licenses are not available from an IPR owner that Standard or Technical
Specification shall be referred to the Director-General of GISFI for further consideration in
accordance with the following procedure:
i) The Director-General shall request full supporting details from any member
or third party who has complained that licenses are not available.
ii) The Director-General shall write to the IPR owner concerned for an
explanation and request that licenses be granted. Where the concerned IPR
owner is a member, it shall inform the Director-General of GISFI of its decision
and provide a written explanation of its reasons in case of continuing refusal
to license that IPR.
iii) Where the IPR owner refuses the Director-General's request or does not
answer the letter within three months, the Director-General shall inform the
General Assembly and, if available, provide the General Assembly with the IPR
owner's explanation for consideration. A vote shall be taken in the General
Assembly on an individual weighted basis to immediately refer the Standard
or Technical Specification to the relevant committee to modify it so that the
IPR is no longer essential.
iv) Where the vote in the General Assembly does not succeed, then the
General Assembly shall, where appropriate, consult the GISFI Counselors with
a view to finding a solution to the problem. In parallel, the General Assembly
may request appropriate members to use their good offices to find a solution
to the problem.
v) Where (iv) does not lead to a solution, then the General Assembly shall
request the European Commission to see what further action may be
appropriate, including non-recognition of the Standard or Technical
Specification in question.
2.3: Development Organization of Standards for Telecommunications In India
DOSTI “Development Organization of Standards for Telecommunications in India” is a
private SDO that aims at developing and promoting India-specific requirements,
standardizing solutions for meeting these requirements and contributing these to
international standards, contributing to global standardization in the field of
telecommunications, maintaining the technical standards and other deliverables of the
organization, safe-guarding the related IPR, helping create manufacturing expertise in the
country, providing leadership to the developing countries (such as in South Asia, South East
Asia, Africa, Middle East, etc.) in terms of their telecommunications-related standardization
needs. A consensus based approach is followed towards standards development by
involving all stake holders - Government, Academia and Industry. DOSTI follows the
principles of Openness, Transparency, Fairness, Consensus and Due Process in conducting its
activities. It maintains technology neutrality and provide a uniform playing field for all of
its members. DOSTI is not for profit legal entity in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mode with
participation from all stake holders including Government, service providers, equipment
vendors, equipment manufacturers, academic institutes and research labs.
DOSTI has goals to - Develop and promote India-specific requirements; Standardize
solutions for meeting these requirements and contribute these to international standards;
Contribute to global standardization in the field of telecommunications; Maintain the
technical standards and other deliverables of the organization; Safe-guard the related IPR;
Help create manufacturing expertise in the country; Provide leadership to the developing
countries (such as in South Asia, South East Asia, Africa, Middle East, etc.) in terms of their
telecommunications-related standardization needs. Further, DOSTI is setting up work groups
in the following areas: (a) RAN and Core Network; (b) Energy Efficient Technology and Energy
Related Issues; (c) Optical Transport; (d) Customer Premises Equipment Devices Terminal; (e)
Telecom Security; (f) M-2-M Communication; and (g) Future Technologies.
It is interesting to note that DOSTI has a very detailed IP Policy, which discloses policy
on (a) Disclosure of Essential Patents; and (2) licensing based on FRAND principles. A
detailed review of DOSTI’s IP policy is provided below:
2.3.1: Policy Objectives
(a) DOSTI's objective to create Standards and Technical Specifications that are based on
solutions which best meet the technical objectives of the Indian telecommunications
sector. In order to further this objective the DOSTI’s IPR Policy seeks to reduce the risk to
DOSTI, Member, and others applying DOSTI Standards and Technical Specifications, that
investment in the preparation, adoption and application of Standards could be wasted as
a result of an Essential IPR for a Standard or Technical Specification being unavailable. In
achieving this objective, the DOSTI IPR Policy seeks a balance between the needs of
standardization for public use in the field of telecommunications and the rights of the
owners of IPRs.
(b) IPR holders whether Members of DOSTI and their affiliates or third parties, should be
adequately and fairly rewarded for the use of their IPRs in the implementation of
Standards and Technical Specifications.
(c) DOSTI shall take reasonable measures to ensure, as far as possible, that its activities
which relate to the preparation, adoption and application of Standards and Technical
Specifications, enable Standards and Technical Specifications to be available to potential
users in accordance with the general principles of standardization
2.3.2: Disclosure of IPRs
(a) Subject to Clause 2 below, each Member shall use its reasonable endeavours, in particular
during the development of a Standard or Technical Specification where it participates, to
inform DOSTI of Essential IPRs in a timely fashion. In particular, a Member submitting a
technical proposal for a Standard or Technical Specification shall, on a bona fide basis,
shall draw the attention of DOSTI to any of that Member's IPR which might be Essential if
that proposal is adopted.
(b) The obligations pursuant to Clause 1 above do however not imply any obligation on
Members to conduct IPR searches.
(c) The obligations pursuant to Clause 1 above are deemed to be fulfilled in respect of all
existing and future members of a Patent family if DOSTI has been informed of a member
of this Patent family in a timely fashion. Information on other members of this Patent
family, if any, may be voluntarily provided.
2.3.3: Availability of Licenses
Clause (11.4.1) When an Essential IPR relating to a particular Standard or Technical
Specification is brought to the attention of DOSTI, the Director General of DOSTI shall
immediately request the owner to give within three months an irrevocable undertaking in
writing that it is prepared to grant irrevocable licenses on fair, reasonable and non-
discriminatory terms and conditions under such IPR to at least the following extent:
(a) Manufacture, including the right to make or have made customized components and sub-
systems to the licensee's own design for use in Manufacture;
(b) Sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of equipment so manufactured;
(c) Repair, use, or operate equipment; and
(d) Use methods.
The above undertaking may be made subject to the condition that those who seek
licenses agree to reciprocate. In the event a Member assigns or transfers ownership of an
Essential IPR that it disclosed to DOSTI, the Member shall exercise reasonable efforts to
notify the assignee or transferee of any undertaking it has made to DOSTI pursuant to
Clause (11.4.1) above with regard to that Essential IPR.
(a) An undertaking pursuant to Clause 11.4.1 with regard to a specified member of a Patent
family shall apply to all existing and future Essential IPRs of that Patent family unless there
is an explicit written exclusion of specified IPRs at the time the undertaking is made. The
extent of any such exclusion shall be limited to those explicitly specified IPRs.
(b) As long as the requested undertaking of the IPR owner is not granted, the WG
Chairperson should, if appropriate, in consultation with the DOSTI Secretariat use their
judgment as to whether or not the WG should suspend work on the relevant parts of the
Standard or Technical Specification until the matter has been resolved and/or submit for
approval any relevant Standard or Technical Specification.
(c) At the request of the DoT, initially for a specific Standard or Technical Specification or a
class of Standards/Technical Specifications, DOSTI arranges to have carried out in a
competent and timely manner an investigation including an IPR search, with the objective
of ascertaining whether IPRs exist or are likely to exist which may be or may become
Essential to a proposed Standard or Technical Specifications and the possible terms and
conditions of licenses for such IPRs.
2.3.4: Non-availability of Licenses
Clause (11.7.1) - Non-availability of licenses prior to the publication of a Standard or a
Technical Specification - Existence of a viable alternative technology. Where prior to the
publication of a Standard or a Technical Specification an IPR owner informs DOSTI that it is
not prepared to license an IPR in respect of a Standard or Technical Specification in
accordance with Clause (11.4.1) above, the Executive Council shall review the requirement
for that Standard or Technical Specification and satisfy itself that a viable alternative
technology is available for the Standard or Technical Specification which: (a) is not blocked
by that IPR; and (b) satisfies DOSTI's requirements.
Clause (11.7.2): Non-availability of licenses prior to the publication of a Standard or a
Technical Specification - Non-existence of a viable alternative technology. Where, in the
opinion of the Executive Council, no such viable alternative technology exists, work on the
Standard or Technical Specification shall cease, and the Director General of DOSTI shall
observe the following procedure:
If the IPR owner is a Member,
The Director General of DOSTI shall request that Member to reconsider its position.
If that Member however decides not to withdraw its refusal to license the IPR, it shall
then inform the Director General of DOSTI of its decision and provide a written
explanation of its reasons for refusing to license that IPR, within three months of its
receipt of the Director General's request.
The Director General of DOSTI shall then send the Member's explanation together
with relevant extracts from the minutes to the DOSTI Executive Council for their
If the IPR owner is a third party,
The Director General of DOSTI shall, wherever appropriate, request full supporting
details from any Member who has complained that licenses are not available in
accordance with Clause (11.4.1) above and/or request appropriate Members to use
their good offices to find a solution to the problem.
Where this does not lead to a solution the Director General of DOSTI shall write to the
IPR owner concerned for an explanation and request ultimately that licenses be
granted according to Clause
Where the IPR owner refuses the Director General's request and decides not to
withdraw its refusal to license the IPR or does not answer the letter within three
months after the receipt of the Director General's request, the Director General shall
then send the IPR owner's explanation, if any, together with relevant extracts from
the minutes for the Executive Council’s consideration.
Clause (11.7.3) Prior to any decision by the Executive Council, the WG should in
consultation with the DOSTI Secretariat use their judgment as to whether or not the WG
should pursue development of the concerned parts of the Standard or a Technical
Specification based on the non-available technology and should look for alternative
solutions. 11.7.4 Non-availability of licenses after the publication of a Standard or a Technical
Specification Where, in respect of a published Standard or Technical Specification, DOSTI
becomes aware that licenses are not available from an IPR owner in accordance with Clause
11.7.1 above, that Standard or Technical Specification shall be referred to the Director
General of DOSTI for further consideration in accordance with the following procedure:
1. The Director General shall request full supporting details from any Member or third party
who has complained that licenses are not available in accordance with Clause 11.7.1
2. The Director General shall write to the IPR owner concerned for an explanation and
request that licenses be granted according to Clause 11.7.1 above. Where the concerned
IPR owner is a Member, it shall inform the Director General of DOSTI of its decision and
provide a written explanation of its reasons in case of continuing refusal to license that
3. Where the IPR owner refuses the Director General's request or does not answer the letter
within three months, the Director General shall inform the Executive Council and, if
available, provide the Executive Council with the IPR owner's explanation for
consideration. A vote shall be taken in the Executive Council to immediately refer the
Standard or Technical Specification to the relevant WG to modify it so that the IPR is no
longer essential.
4. Where the vote does not succeed, the Executive Council may request appropriate
Members to use their good offices to find a solution to the problem.
5. Where (iv) does not lead to a solution then the Executive Council shall request the DoT to
see what further action may be appropriate, including non-recognition of the Standard or
Technical Specification in question.
In carrying out the foregoing procedure due account shall be taken of the interest of
the enterprises that have invested in the implementation of the Standard or Technical
Specification in question.
2.3.5: DOSTI’s ownership of IPRs
Clause 11.8.1 The ownership of the copyright in Standards and Technical
Specifications documentation and reports created by DOSTI or any of its WGs shall vest in
DOSTI but due acknowledgement shall be given to copyrights owned by third parties that are
identifiable in DOSTI copyrighted works.
Clause 11.8.2 In respect of IPRs other than copyright in Standards and Technical
Specifications documentation and reports, DOSTI shall only seek ownership of IPRs
generated either by its employees (direct or indirect) to DOSTI from organizations who are
not Members.
Clause 11.8.3 DOSTI shall, on request by a non-Member, grant licenses to that non-
Member on fair and reasonable terms and conditions in respect of any IPRs, other than those
referred to in Clause 11.8.1 above, owned by DOSTI. Members shall be allowed to use IPRs
owned by DOSTI free of charge.
3.0 Policy on Open Standards for e-Governance
aims to make all Government services accessible to even a common man in his
locality to ensure efficiency, transparency, and reliability of such services at affordable costs.
The major challenges as articulated by the GOI are that Government systems are
A paper on “Policy on Open Standards and e-Governance” published by Ministry of Communications and Information
Technology, Department of Information Technology, available from
standards-for-e-governance/Policy%20on%20Open%20Standards%20for%20e-Governance.pdf/view, last visited on 20
characterized by islands of legacy systems using heterogeneous platforms and technologies
and spread across various diverse geographical locations in varying state of automation. To
overcome the challenges, the GOI has provided a policy framework for selection of Standards
to facilitate interoperability between the systems developed by multiple agencies. It is
believed that such an approach allows the organizations the flexibility to select hardware and
software (technology choices) for implementing e-governance solutions, cost effectively
while avoiding vendor lock-in.
The applicability of Open Standards for e-governance is based on availability of Open
Standards (a) at interface and data archival level of all systems used for e-governance; (b) to
all prospective e-governance systems including businesses (G2G, G2B, G2E, and G2C) from
the date they come into effect; (c) at the interfaces of present and new versions of legacy
and existing systems while interacting with other systems. It appears that GOI is
emphasizing on the interfaces (i.e. to facilitate interoperability) between the e-governance
Interestingly, GOI has adapted a Royalty Free (RF) approach to Open Standards and
has articulated the characteristics of the Open Standards. The characteristics of the Open
Standards are classified as (a) mandatory characteristics; and (b) desirable characteristics.
Among others, important points under the mandatory characteristics are that (i) the patent
claims necessary to implement the identified Standard shall be made available on a RF basis
for the life time of the Standards; (ii) identified Standard shall be adapted and maintained
by a not-for-profit organization; and (iii) the identified Standard shall have a technology
neutral specification.
Also, the policy on Open Standards provides for adapting an Interim Standard in
case where a standard, which satisfies the mandatory characteristics are not available.
The basis for selection of such Interim Standards is the functional and technical requirements
and the maturity of the Standard. However, for the Interim Standards, the royalty
requirement is relaxed and a FRAND (Fair, Reasonable, and Non-discriminatory) or a RAND
(Reasonable, and Non-discriminatory) terms are adapted. Further, the requirement of a
not-for profit organization adapting and maintaining the Standard is relaxed. This may
allow the IP owners (or licensors of the IP) to adapt and maintain the Interim Standards. The
policy also provides for adaptation of mature Open Source reference implementations, or
published proprietary specifications, or development of a New Standard by a designated
body if a Standard, which meets the essential functional requirements are not available.
To facilitate adaptation of e-governance in India, GOI has come-out with e-
Governance Security Standards and Guidelines to provide “trusted” services by safeguarding
the “information assets” in terms of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The e-
Governance Security Assurance Framework (eSAFE) is based on ISO27001: The International
standard for an Information Security Management System (ISMS). Further e-SAFE approach
is in line with the Information Security Program for Federal Information Systems in the USA
Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA 2002).
4.0. Indian National Policies Procurement, IP, and Standards development
4.1 Public Procurement Policy in India
This section deals with an overview of public procurement policy in India. Presently,
there is no specific law in India dealing with public procurement. India is yet to enact Public
Procurement law, which is at present is pending before the Parliament for its nod in the form
of a bill
. Public Procurement Bill, 2012 was introduced before the Parliament sometime in
the first half of 2012
. The Bill seeks to regulate procurement by Ministries/ Departments of
the Central Government and its attached/subordinate offices, Central Public Sector
Enterprises (CPSEs), autonomous and statutory bodies controlled by the Central Government
and other procuring entities with the objectives of ensuring transparency, accountability and
probity in the procurement process, fair and equitable treatment of bidders, promoting
competition, enhancing efficiency and economy, safeguarding integrity in the procurement
process and enhancing public confidence in public procurement. The Bill is based on broad
principles and envisages a set of detailed rules, guidelines and model documents. The Bill
ref: copy of the Public Procurement Bill, 2012 is available at
builds on national and international experience and best practices, as appropriate for the
needs of the Government of India.
The Bill would create a statutory framework for public procurement which will
provide greater accountability, transparency and enforceability of the regulatory framework.
The Bill provides for the following
a. Codifying the fundamental principles governing procurement, essential for
achieving economy, efficiency and quality as well as combating corruption and legally
obligates procuring entities and their officials to comply with these principles. In this context,
the draft Bill provides mandatory provisions regarding key aspects of the procurement
process and requires establishment of time frames for decision making.
b. Ensuring that competition will be maximised in procurement in the interests of
economy, efficiency, integrity.
c. Providing for adequate flexibility to take into account diversity of needs and types
of procuring entities, types of procurement needs and methods of procurement.
d. Providing for a strong framework of transparency and accountability through a
public procurement portal and a grievance redressal system in which an independent
mechanism, chaired by a retired High Court Judge, would review grievances.
At present, the policy of public procurement can be inferred from the following
elements, namely; (a) concepts enshrined under the Contract law and specific performance;
(b) Judge made law in Judicial pronouncements on tenders; (c) The Constitution of India
which enjoins the State to act fairly even in commercial dealings; (d) Certain
guidelines/clarifications (including Manuals) issued by the Central Vigilance Commission
and Directorate General of Supplies and Disposal (‘DGS&D’)
; (e) General Financial Rules
; (f) Few states in India have specific laws dealing with the transparency in tenders, for
example, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
; (g) Department of Electronics & Information
Technology (‘DIT’) under Ministry of Communication & Information Technology, while
procuring e-governance related project involving computers, recommends -vendor and
brand neutral specifications usage of Sysmark 2007 or SPEC CPU as qualifying benchmarks
In summary, the guidelines governing tenders by government departments prohibit a
system which provides scope for mal-practices, favoritism and corruption. The pre-
qualifications in turn should ensure free and fair competition. However, the departments
have been given a “play in the joints” and can deviate from the guidelines provided:-
(a) there are reasons for doing so which are duly recorded; and
(b) the deviation is approved by the competent authority
5.0 Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) India’s approach:
The principle of WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade is to regulate the
right of member country to adopt and implement standard setting measures in such a
manner as not to interfere with the International Trade. In compliance with the Article 10.1
of the Agreement
, India has notified Bureau of Indian Standards as the ‘enquiry point’
[International Relations & Technical Information Services Department of BIS]. BIS as an
enquiry point has been responding to the information on market access, mandatory
, equivalence of standards, acceptance of CE marketing and harmonization of
Guidance Notes issued by the Department of Information Technology (DIT*) on ‘Preparation of Model request Toolkit and
Guidance Notes for preparation of RFPs for e-Governance Projects’ are available at
standardization-model-rfps-and-guidance-notes. Since computers are standardized products the Ministries/Departments of
the Central Government may make procurements under Rate Contract System of the DGS&D in terms of Ministry of Finance
(Department of Expenditure) Circular No.8(4) EII(A)/98 dated 17.12.98 and the CVC Circular No.98/ORD/1 dtd 05.05.2003.
Article 10.1: Each member shall ensure that an enquiry point exists which is able to answer all reasonable enquiries
from other members and interested parties in other member countries as well as to provide the relevant documents
Some members have drawn attention of the Government of India to the non-availability of sufficient grace period for
foreign producers to meet the requirement in the mandatory certification schemes’. visited on 15th September 2012.
Indian standards with International standards
. The technical standards that are equivalent
to International standards are around 84%.
Likewise, in conformity with Agreement,
Department of Commerce, Ministry of Industries and Commerce of the Government of India
has been declared as the National Notifying Authority
. In accordance with the provisions,
Indian has submitted 66 notifications since 2002 in the prescribed format
. Indian has
accepted the WTO TBT Code of Good Practice. In India, the draft Technical Regulation will be
sent out for comments before it is adopted by the respective Ministry or Department or
Organisation. The draft Technical Regulation will be notified to the WTO members for their
comments. The respective Ministry or the Department will review the comments, get it
examined by the expert groups and finally incorporates the changes, if any, in the regulation.
The notification of the regulation will be made in the official Gazette and simultaneously
notified to the WTO. Certification and conformity assessment are regulated by the BIS
through its testing [by the respective testing and calibration laboratories] licensing,
surveillance practices. The guidelines for security of telecommunications equipment and
software have been appreciated by the Japanese representative in the WTO Trade Policy
Review meeting.
6.0 Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), Competition Law, and Standards
Prior to 2002, India didn’t have a competition law regime. The earlier regime was
called Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act (“MRTP”) enacted in 1969. MRTP was,
however, sought to be replaced by the Competition Act, enacted in 2002 and amended in
2007. After the enactment of the Competition Act, the connection between IP Rights and
competition has been a subject of constant discussion among experts. Due to global
developments, including the obligations in the TRIPS and the subsequent amendments in the
Patent Act in India, the ability of the competition law & policy in India to be able to deal with
market power created by IP became very relevant. The statement of objects and reasons
supra Note 6
Annual Review of Indian Trade Policy: visited on 15th
September 2012.
40 visited on 15th September 2012 .
The Report of Indian Trade Policy refers to 41 notification until March 2011.
41 visited on 15th September 2012
states clearly that the Competition Act is being enacted inter alia, to prevent practices which
have an adverse effect on competition and to promote and sustain competition in the
Section 3 of the Competition Act, deals with anti-competitive agreements, has made
an exception for IPRs. It preserves the rights of the IPR holder to prevent infringement and
protect these rights, as long as the restrictions imposed are reasonable.
The Competition Act contains exceptions in favor of the exercise of intellectual
property rights. Section 3(5) of the Act states as following
Section 3 (5): Nothing contained in this section shall restrict
(i) the right of any person to restrain any infringement of, or to impose reasonable conditions,
as may be necessary for protecting any of his rights which have been or may be conferred
upon him under
(a) the Copyright Act, 1957
(b) the Patents Act, 1970
(c) the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 or the Trade Marks Act, 1999
(d) the Geographic Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999
(e) the Designs Act,2000
(f) the Semi-conductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Design Act, 2000
(ii) the right of any person to export goods from India to the extent to which the agreement
relates exclusively to the production, supply, distribution or control of goods or provision of
services for such export.”
Section 3 of the Indian Competition Act prohibits anti-competitive agreements
between enterprises and lists out the conduct which is deemed to have an ‘appreciable
adverse effect on competition within India’. Such conduct includes (a) determining
Copy of the Competition Act, 2002:
Copy of the Competition Act, 2002:
purchase or sale prices, (b) limiting production or supply, (c) allocating geographic markets or
product market, bid rigging or collusive bidding etc.
However, the exception provided in clause (5) of the section 3, reflects the striking a
balance between the rightful interests of IPR holders and competition in the market. The
developed countries have taken recourse to provisions like compulsory licensing in order to
lessen the adverse effects of abusive conduct of dominant enterprises. The applicability of
such a provision in India cannot be precluded since the Indian Patent Act makes a specific
provision for compulsory licensing
This would be more relevant in the realm of pharmaceuticals where competition in
the generic drugs may be foreclosed by dominant undertakings
. As per the Article 31(k) of
the TRIPS Agreement, it provides for granting of such licenses in the case of patents
. It is
pertinent to note that the power to enact laws on compulsory licensing arises from several
international agreements such as: the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Paris
Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, the relevant provisions of which were
incorporated into the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Trade Related Aspects
of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
TRIPS provide a right to the Member States to smoothen the provisions to avoid
potential conflict between competition policy and IP law. Articles 8, 31 and 40 deserve a
special mention. Members may “adopt measures necessary to protect public health and
nutrition and to promote the public interest in sectors of vital importance to their socio-
economic and technological development.” Further, TRIPS deals with compulsory licenses as
an exception to the TRIPS agreement's minimum requirement that all Member States to
provide patentee a right of exclusivity during the complete patent term. TRIPS suggests a set
of circumstances wherein any Member State is allowed to issue compulsory license. The
ref. Section 84, India Patent Act, 1970 -
compulsory licenses that are allowed fall into two categorieswhere there is an overriding
public interest or where the patent rights are being used in an anticompetitive manner.
Section 4 of the Competition Act deals with abuse of dominant position. It is clear
that it is the abuse and not the existence of a dominant position, which is prohibited by law.
It explains what is meant by abuse of dominant position by enumerating the practices which
can be considered as abusive. What is noteworthy and relevant to the current discussion, is
that no exception has been called out for IPRs under Section 4 of the Competition Act.
7.0 Conclusion
In India, there are SDOs set-up by the Government of India and there are also private
SDOs, which have participation from the industry, academia, individuals, and the
Government. The SDOs set-up by the Government appears to be inclined to set a standard
without including a technology protected by IP and it is left to the manufactures of standards
based product to get a license from the IP holder if required. However, the open source
policy on e-governance is a landmark policy in which the Government has made its intent
clear by opting for royalty free (RF) model on IP involved in the standard. On the other hand,
the private SDOs, though few in number, have well developed IP policies to handle IP rights
covering the technologies involved in Standards. The Indian competition Act recognizes and
acknowledges that rights provided under various IP laws in India and it does not restrict the
right of any person to restrain any infringement of, or to impose reasonable conditions, as
may be necessary for protecting any of his rights which have been or may be conferred upon
him under the various IP Acts enacted in India.
About the Authors
Dr. Ramakrishna is a Professor of Law at the National Law School of India University (NLSIU). He was a Lecturer
from 1979-1988, Reader in Law from 1988-1994, Professor of Law from 1995-2002, and Principal of
Vidyavardhaka Law College, Mysore during 1992-2002. He was Visiting Faculty at the Depar tment of Post-
graduate Studies & Research in Law, Mysore University, and Karnataka Police Academy between 1990 and
2002. He joined the NLSIU as an Additional Professor of Law in 2002 and was promoted as Professor of Law in
2006. Presently he holds the Intellectual Property Rights Chair [IPR Chair] of the Ministry of Human Resources
and Development at the NLSIU and he is the Coordinator of the Centre of Intellectual Proper ty Rights Research
and Advocacy [CIPRA] at the NLSIU. Currently he is the Chairman of Post-Graduate Council. His areas of
specialization include Intellectual Property Rights Law, International Law, Criminal Law and Law of Evidence. He
visited University of Sussex, UK, under the DFID Project, WTO and WIPO in Geneva, Switzerland to participate in
the Colloquium on IPR, USA at the invitation of the US Department of Justice for studying the IPR enforcement
models in US, Germany to participate in the Indo-German Colloquium on IP and the meeting of the Conference
of Parties (CoP) of CBD. He has participated in the IPR workshop organized by Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry (METI), Japan and delivered lecture on IPR issues at Japan, Kyoto and Osaka. He participated as part of
Indian delegation in the Meeting of the ‘STANDING COMMITTEE ON COPYRIGHT AND RELATED RIGHTS’ at
Geneva. He also participated in the “Global Meeting on Emerging Copyright Licensing ModalitiesFacilitating
Access to Culture in the Digital Age” organized in Geneva and spoke on ‘Making orphan works: A Licensing
Solution’?. He participated in the International Workshop on ‘STANDARDS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND
COMPETITION LAW” in Phoenix, Arizona State, USA, organized by Sandra D’Oconnor Law College, Arizona State
University, USA and made presentation on the Indian position.
Dr. S K Murthy (SK) is a patent attorney at Intel Technology India Pvt. Ltd in India and he has exposure to Indian
and US patent laws. His primary areas of focus are IP and antitrust interface in Standards, patent preparation
and prosecution; training to enhance IP awareness such other patent related issues. His interests also include
developing strategies for inculcating, developing, and sustaining IP culture and patent management. He is a
qualified Indian patent agent with an engineering and legal background. He has about 10 years of experience in
practicing patent law and has a total of 18 years of experience. He is an invited speaker on Intellectual Property
(IP). He is also a co-author on a title: “Bio-medical Engineering” used as a reference material in undergraduate
engineering program. He is a co-founder of In-house IP professionals (I-HIPP) Forum, which has provided a
platform for in-house IP professionals of more than 20 Indian and multi-national companies to share ideas,
best-known methods and to act as a think tank for IP policy advocacy in India. He has been instrumental is
preparing submissions on draft patent manual prepared by the Indian patent office and draft national
competition policy prepared by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Union Government of India. He has a
Bachelors degree in instrumentation engineering, masters degree in electronics and communication
engineering, a doctoral degree in computer science, a post graduate diploma in IPRs, a law degree and he is
presently pursuing PhD studies at the NLSIU.
Saurabh Malhotra is an Advocate registered with the Bar Council of India, Solicitor - England & Wales (not
practicing). He is currently working as Legal Counsel, SMG South Asia, Intel, Bangalore for more than 5yrs. He
has been practicing in the IT sector- Wipro, Infosys and Intel for more than 7yrs. Before entering IT sector, he
worked for several years as a commercial litigation lawyer and worked with Andersen Legal, Mumbai. He has
authored various articles on Indian legal issues relating to constitution and commercial laws. He loves cricket
and an active member of Intel Cricket team in India. He has secured LLMUniv. of Warwick, UK and B.A. LL.B
(Hons.) - National Law School of India University, Bangalore, India.