Journal of Data Intelligence, Vol. 3, No. 4 (2022) 401–420
Rinton Press
Department of Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152 8550, Japan.
College of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University.
Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-5258, Japan.
College of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University.
Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-5258, Japan.
This paper proposes a method of ranking geographic entities (places) where a purpose,
given as a query, can be achieved. Most existing map search engines accept only the
name of a place or the type of a place. Thus when searchers want to find a suitable
place for “guitar practice”, they have to input a place type such as “music studio”. To
create such a query, prior knowledge (i.e., that a music studio is suitable for playing
guitar) is required. Our proposed method uses online review information on places to
enable direct place retrieval from a given purpose query. Our method creates a bipartite
graph consisting of places and the words that appear in the reviews of these places. The
relevance between the given keyword query and a place is calculated by using the Random
Walk with Restart algorithm. Additionally, we expand the graph with three hypotheses:
1) places that are suitable for the same purpose are similar to each other, and purposes
that can be achieved in the same place are similar to each other, 2) the same purpose can
be achieved in places with similar metadata, and 3) purposes which have semantically
similar meaning can be achieved in the same places. Through an experiment using
real review data taken from Google Maps, the usefulness of the proposed method was
demonstrated. In particular, experimental result shows that the expansion by places’
metadata is effective for finding more relevant places.
Keywords: Place Search, Random Walk with Restart, Online Review
Yui Maekawa contributed to this research while at Aoyama Gakuin University until March 2020
402 Geographic Entity Retrieval for Finding Places Suitable for Certain Purposes ...
1. Introduction
In recent years, geographic information retrieval is becoming more and more popular. A wide
range of people uses place search services (e.g., Google Maps, Bing Maps) to find stores,
facilities, and other places. The users of place search include children who do not have suffi-
cient prior knowledge of places and elderly people who are not good at searching. Nowadays,
with such a wide range of people using geographic information retrieval services, there is a
growing demand for geographic information retrieval algorithms that allow users with little
prior knowledge of geographic information to search successfully.
Conventional geographic search systems only accept the name of a place or the type of a
place as a query. Therefore, in order to find a place where a specific purpose can be achieved,
the user needs to enter the type of the venue, or characteristics of the place he or she wants
to find. For example, if you want to buy a book, you must search for “bookstore”; if you
want to use a delivery service, you must enter the query “post office”. Let us imagine the
case that a user is looking for a place where he can achieve “guitar practice”. In this case,
normally, it is necessary to search with a place type query, such as “music studio”. However,
in order to create this query, users need prior knowledge, such as “we can practice guitar in a
music studio”. Therefore, it is impossible to input any facility where they can practice guitar
without that prior knowledge. This problem can be solved if we can search places by purpose,
using “guitar practice” as a query.
In addition, even if a searcher has prior knowledge that guitar can be practiced in a music
studio, the query “music studio” may not find a large number of places where the searcher
can practice guitar. A music studio is not the only place where a guitar can be played. There
are many places where this is possible: parks, karaoke rooms, riversides, and so on. It is not
reasonable to list all these places in the search query.
In this research, we propose a new search algorithm that ranks places by the possibility
that they can achieve the purpose indicated by the query. For example, if the user enters
“guitar practice”, the system will rank specific places such as “Studio FOO Tokyo branch”,
“BAR Karaoke Tokyo branch”, or “Tokyo central park”. Our search algorithm aims to allow
the user to input a purpose, so that a wide range of users can search places more easily,
regardless of prior knowledge.
The reason for the effectiveness of such a search model is that the search difficulty is
asymmetric. It is easy to determine if a place makes it possible to achieve a purpose by
accessing the official Website or by calling the place. However, it is difficult to make a list of
candidates. If the places with a high likelihood of achieving the purpose can be ranked, users
can find a suitable place in very few steps.
In this research, we focused on online reviews about places to realize our search algorithm.
Some geographic information services, such as Google Maps, allow users to post reviews of
a certain place. Such reviews include many actual and feasible actions taken by users at the
Although these online reviews taken from geographic information sites are an important
information resource, they are not sufficient to implement the proposed search algorithm
directly. One of the reasons is the limited comprehensiveness of the reviews. The review
information usually describes only some of the actions that can be performed at a place. For
instance, not all places where you can practice guitar have a review that says “I practiced my
Yui Maekawa, Yoshiyuki Shoji, and Martin J. urst 403
guitar here”. Traditional information retrieval methods based on simple string matching can
therefore not take advantage of the reviews.
Therefore, we propose a graph-based algorithm that links given purpose queries and places,
by setting up the following three hypotheses:
H1 Mutual Recursive Deduction:
Places that are suitable for the same purpose are similar to each other, and purposes
that can be achieved in the same place are similar to each other.
H2 Expansion by Place Type:
The same purpose can be achieved in places with similar metadata. For instance, if you
were able to play guitar in a certain Karaoke room, there is a high probability that you
can play guitar in another Karaoke room.
H3 Expansion by Word Semantics:
Purposes that have semantically similar meanings can be achieved in the same places.
For instance, if a certain park gets a review saying “This place is suitable for playing
ukulele”, this park should also be suitable for playing guitar.
The proposed method performs Random Walk with Restart (RWR) link analysis on a bipartite
graph. This graph is composed of places and the words that appear in reviews for these
places. In order to clarify the effectiveness of our method, an experiment using real data
was conducted. For the experiment, we implemented an actual place search system that uses
review data obtained from Google Maps. In this system, when a searcher inputs a purpose
as a query, they can obtain the ranking of places suitable for achieving that purpose. The
method’s accuracy was checked by performing actual searches with pre-prepared queries and
manually labeling the results.
This paper is an advanced version of the work presented at iiWAS2021 [14]. The structure
of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, we discuss existing research related to our method.
Section 3 describes the details of our search algorithm. In Section 4, the proposed method is
evaluated through an experiment. Section 5 discusses the experiment results, and Section 6
presents conclusions and future work.
2. Related Work
This research is part of the research on purpose-oriented search algorithms. We adopt a
graph approach, extend places by metadata, and extend purposes with synonyms. Therefore,
this research is closely related to the existing research of geographic information retrieval,
expansion of purpose, and locality recommendation.
2.1. Geographic Information Retrieval
Geographic information retrieval is a classic research topic in both the GIS (Geographic
Information System) and information retrieval fields. An evaluation competition called Geo-
CLEF [15] in the information retrieval field was held several times, and many geographic
retrieval methods were proposed and evaluated in the workshops.
Following this kind of research, many studies on geographic information retrieval are
still being conducted. Jones et al. [10] organize geographic information retrieval from the
404 Geographic Entity Retrieval for Finding Places Suitable for Certain Purposes ...
perspective of information retrieval and discuss query processing, ranking methods, and also
evaluation methods. Their survey points out the disambiguation of place names and the
difference between the human vocabulary and the vocabulary represented on maps as one
of the difficulties in this kind of geographic information retrieval. For example, for a search
request such as “near a park with lots of greenery”, the park’s official name is not included
in the query, and the term “near” related to the proximity cannot be calculated by keyword
Major geographic information search systems typically accept place names, place types,
and addresses as queries for finding places. Therefore, a lot of research has been done on a
search to enable more flexible input, such as expanding the query.
Pat et al. [16] developed a geographic information retrieval system that collects location
information (geotagged posts) from social networking sites such as Twitter and Instagram,
and represents the results in terms of territory. They attempted to make the normally static
geographic information database dynamic by focusing on geotagged posts on social networking
Hariharan et al. [7] defined search requests that do not directly include the name of a
place as “Spatial-Keyword (SK) queries” and propose a method to actually answer them.
For example, in order to enable the processing of search requests such as “Find shelters with
emergency medical facilities in Orange County”, it is necessary to integrate other information
sources with GIS systems. They have proposed “Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR)
Systems” as a wrapper to handle multiple GIS systems, and implemented the framework.
Shoji et al. [19] also proposed a method using geotagged tweets for finding places. Their
method named “location2vec” is based on a word2vec-like algorithm, and it can find similar
places by comparing tweets around different places. However, since many users post their
tweets with automatic geotagging by the SNS (Social Networking Site) system, posts about
a place made after moving somewhere else have the wrong geotag. Therefore, the accuracy
of the information in geotagged posts is questionable. This research is similar to the present
studies because it also focuses on social data for geographic information retrieval. However,
we chose review information for a place instead of SNS posts, because compared with SNS
posts, there is a much higher likelihood of containing information related to the place.
Bauer et al. [4] analyzed offline purchasing needs and proposed a search method for physical
brick-and-mortar stores where actual purchases can be made, while online mail-order sales are
now standard. This is accomplished by querying the keywords representing the object to be
purchased and vectorizing the locations, respectively, and ranking them by cosine similarity.
This research is similar to our research in that the search targets are actual objects. However,
our research does not use a simple similarity calculation in a vector space model, but a link
analysis on a two-part graph. The difference is that we aimed to widen the range of input
data in the search. As a result, we can find not only places where people can buy something
from a retailer, but also other places.
Kato et al. [11] expanded the input of place search to allow examples as queries. In their
method, searchers can input a certain place, and the system finds similar places. It can help
find places by purpose, but the searchers need to know an example place that is suitable for
their purpose.
Purves et al. [18] summarized many studies on GIRs, and described the importance of
Yui Maekawa, Yoshiyuki Shoji, and Martin J. urst 405
information retrieval based on the needs of the actual domain for current search engines used
on mobile phones. In addition, they point to the application of machine learning techniques
as an essential issue in this research field.
Following these studies, our approach proposes a new search methodology that enables the
system to accept “purpose” as its input. We believe that this research is novel and important
as a search applications that can respond to various information requirements, not only the
names of geographical objects.
2.2. Expansion of Purpose
In this research, the goal is to improve the recall of search results by extending viable objectives
at the same place by inference. In other words, it is possible to search for local products
and other stores in the same chain that do not include the query words in their reviews.
Paraphrasing a query in other words is an actively researched topic in the field of information
retrieval. Natural language processing techniques are also commonly used in such studies
together with information retrieval techniques.
As an example of extending purposes, Pothirattanachaikul et al. [17] proposed a method
for extracting alternatives that can achieve the same objectives from community Question
Answering (cQA) sites. For example, “taking sleeping pills” and “drinking warm milk” are
alternative behaviors that can achieve the same goal of “falling asleep easily”. Their research
uses a bipartite graph consisting of the question and answer information extracted from the
cQA site. By analyzing this graph, they were able to find alternative behaviors by ranking
similarity levels.
The expansion of purpose is also a big problem in research on cQA. Jiwoon et al. [8]
proposed a method of finding questions with a similar purpose in a cQA site. It can help
people who have a purpose but do not want to ask a question on a cQA site. This method
focused on how to calculate the similarity of questions. Abujabaet al. [1] similarly focus on
paraphrasing during retrieval in cQA sites and create a dataset for research that includes
paraphrasing. They have collected data from WikiAnswers and labeled it on a crowdsourcing
site to link questions with the same purpose.
The ideas used are related to ours, such as that places suitable for the same purpose are
similar to each other, and purposes that can be achieved in the same place are similar to each
other. Wang et al. [23] also tackle this problem. They used a natural language processing-
based approach that uses syntactic trees. Our method is considering both purpose similarity
and place similarity.
Our study uses graph processing to close the gap between the vocabulary of geographical
object reviews and queries, which is similar to query expansion. On the other hand, there
have been many studies on paraphrasing queries in order to make them comparable between
specialized vocabularies and terms frequently used in ordinary search users’ queries.
One area where rephrasing queries is most important is in the medical field. There is a
significant difference in medical information between the terms used by ordinary people and
the actual technical terms. For example, a patient might search for “having upset stomach”
before searching with the query “gastric ulcer”. In this context, research to collect the “con-
sumer health vocabulary [24]”, terms used by ordinary people in medical information, and use
them to the query expansion is an essential issue. As an example, Stanton et al. [20] propose
406 Geographic Entity Retrieval for Finding Places Suitable for Certain Purposes ...
a method to link phrases used by ordinary users with technical terms such as disease names.
As an example of a geo-specific alternative place search method, Katsumi et al. [12] pro-
posed a method to recommend alternatives to places that the user wanted to visit. In order
to avoid overtourism, they use image similarity and other methods to discover places that can
achieve the same tourism goals. They focused on generic POIs (Point of Interest) suitable for
any tourism goals to recommend even minor places.
Our study is similar to these related studies in that we exhaustively search for locations
where the same objective can be achieved. On the other hand, the goal of our research
is to match queries and geographic entities, not to discover alternative representations or
alternative POIs directly.
2.3. Locality Recommendation
This research aims to find a place where the user’s objectives can be achieved. For the same
purpose, there are studies that extract the characteristics of places and solve the problem by
recommendations and other approaches.
Kurashima et al. [13] proposed a method for extracting features of a place by extracting
information from a blog and visualizing the experience of a place on a map by topic modeling.
This research uses a more exhaustive but less descriptive review to estimate what can be done
at a location in order to discover geographical objects from a query.
As another research on recommending places, Wang et al. [22] extended the Bookmark-
coloring algorithm to represent information about past behavior on social media sites, location
information, relationships between users, and user similarity as a graph. By using the simi-
larity between users, they can recommend the next place the user is likely to visit with higher
accuracy than conventional recommendations.
Recommending places for users to visit next has been widely studied as POI recommen-
dation. As an example of a typical POI recommendation, Chen [5] et al. propose a collabora-
tive filtering-based POI recommendation method based on the check-in information of LSBN
(Location-Based Social Networking) users and the category information of the POI. In recent
years, there has been an increase in the studies that use information from review sites for POI
recommendations, similar to our study. For example, Baral et al. [2] proposed ReEL, which
uses neural networks to recommend places from reviews. They extracted aspects from user
reviews and created a more accurate POI recommendation method.
Many studies have been conducted to estimate the nature of a place from information
gathered from social media and CGM (Consumer Generated Media) sites. Among them,
many studies use LBSN sites such as Twitter [21]. The most typical example is real-world
event detection or travel assistance. For instance, Dong et al. [6] proposed a method of finding
events by using Flikr photos. As a task to estimate the nature of a place, Zhang et al. [25]
integrate social media information to estimate the atmosphere and usage of a street.
POI discovery is another important element in geographic recommendations. The discov-
ery of spots that attract people’s attention from social media is close to the discovery of places
that are suitable for achieving objectives in this research. Some research uses social media
information and detects POIs and their usage or category [9]. Some studies have used review
information as well as this study [3].
Yui Maekawa, Yoshiyuki Shoji, and Martin J. urst 407
3. Method Proposed
This section describes a new algorithm: a method that ranks places suitable for a purpose
directly given as a query. In order to realize such a retrieval model, we extract places and the
actions which were taken at the place from reviews of these places. Not all actions that can
be taken at a place are described in reviews of this place. Therefore, to search for places that
do not have a certain purpose in their reviews or that are not reviewed, the method has to
deduce and extend purposes of what can be done in such places.
To extend purposes, we adopt the following three hypotheses into a graph-based algorithm:
H1 Mutual Recursive Deduction,
H2 Expansion by Place Type, and
H3 Expansion by Word Semantics.
The first hypothesis is at the core of our algorithm. The places where people can achieve the
same purpose are similar to each other. For instance, a park and a river beach are similar
places, because you can do the same things (e.g., playing a musical instrument, jogging,
playing catch) in both of them. In addition, the purposes that can be achieved in the same
place are similar to each other. For instance, eating hot-dog and drinking beer are similar
purposes, because both of them can be achieved in the same places (e.g., diners, beer halls,
baseball stadiums). To reflect this hypothesis, the method creates a bipartite graph consisting
of places and purposes. Thus, a reciprocal recurrence calculation is performed by link analysis.
The second hypothesis is based on the idea that the same purpose can be achieved in similar
types of places. For instance, if you were able to buy a burrito at a certain Starbucks, you
should be able to buy it at another branch of Starbucks. In addition, you might be able to buy
burritos in other coffee shops. To integrate this hypothesis, our method modifies the bipartite
graph by adding links between places and places. The last hypothesis means that purposes
which have semantically similar meaning can be achieved in the same places. For instance,
if it is possible to buy toilet paper at a certain store, it will be possible to buy tissue paper
at the same store, because these two items are semantically similar products. Our method
integrates these hypotheses by adding virtual links between purposes.
3.1. Creating the Bipartite Graph for Mutual Recursion
Our method uses the review information about places as the data source that reflects purposes
that can be achieved at each place. First, our method makes a bipartite graph that consists
of words and places to express the first hypothesis. The words that appear in reviews of the
same place are likely to be similar to each other, and places with reviews containing the same
words are similar to each other. The graph contains two types of nodes: all the places in the
dataset, and all the words in all the reviews for these places.
A schematic diagram of the entire dataset is shown in Figure 1. The review data is
represented as the relationship between a place l
and a word w
that appear in the review
for that place. Furthermore, there exists a relationship between a place and the metadata
about that place, and a relationship between a word and its topics.
First, we create a weighted directed bipartite graph, focusing on the relationship between
a place and the words in the review about it. As a pre-processing step, each review sentence
408 Geographic Entity Retrieval for Finding Places Suitable for Certain Purposes ...
Fig. 1. A graph representation of the whole place-review dataset
was divided into words. For cleansing the review data written in natural language, word
selection by word-class was performed. Only verbs, nouns, and adjectives were treated as
nodes. Each word was lemmatized, all verbs were straightened to the standard form, and all
word changes (i.e., plurals) were removed. Cleansing by frequency was also done. Words that
appeared too frequently or very rarely were removed. Finally, places and words were linked
by edges if the word appeared in the review for the place. The bipartite graph created in this
phase is shown as a subgraph in the middle of Figure 1, with red and blue lines as edges.
Second, we create the adjacency matrix M from the created graph. Figure 2 shows a
schematic diagram of the final shape of the adjacency matrix M , where L is the set of all the
place nodes in the graph and W is the set of all the word nodes in the graph. The matrix M
is a square matrix of dimension (|L| + |W |), where |L| and |W | denote the number of elements
in the sets.
Here, the value of each element m
of the matrix M is defined as below. Figure 2 shows
the overall structure of matrix M . Let N
) be the subset of W connected to l
, and N
be the subset of L connected to w
. In Figure 2, the links from places to words are located in
the lower left blue part (i.e., i > |L| and j |L|). m
is set to 1 if w
is an element of N
and is 0 otherwise. Similarly, the upper right red part of the matrix in Figure 2 represents the
links from words to places. m
is set to 1 if l
is an element of N
), and 0 otherwise. That
is, in the lower left and upper right part of the matrix in Figure 2, m
will be 1 if the i-th
node and the j-th node are connected by an edge, and 0 otherwise. The review information
was rearranged into four relationships, which can be represented as a single adjacency matrix.
Finally, we normalized the weight of the edges that connect words to places. As the
number of edges increases in the unweighted state, the value increases cyclically in dense
parts in the graph. Therefore, we divide the weight of an edge by the number of outgoing
Yui Maekawa, Yoshiyuki Shoji, and Martin J. urst 409
edges of the source node.
( )
( )
Fig. 2. An overview of the expanded adjacency matrix M , which represents the relationships
between places (L) and words (W ).
3.2. Calculating Place Similarity for Place Type Expansion
Next, in order to adopt Hypothesis 2 (Expansion by Place Type), we added information about
the relationships between places to the graph. We hypothesize that the same purpose can
be achieved at similar places, for instance, “Starbucks in Tokyo” and “Starbucks in Kyoto”,
which are separate branches of an affiliated store. By considering the similarity between
places, it becomes possible to find places that are not directly reviewed. Therefore, we extend
the graph to take into account the similarity between places by comparing their metadata.
In most online map applications, such as Google Maps, there exists metadata for each
place. A typical kind of metadata is the category information of a place, such as “restaurant”
or “hospital”. In this research, we used such categorical information about places as a feature
of places. We calculated the degree of association between places by using metadata that
indicates the relationship between them, and added the similarity into the graph. There are
various methods for calculating the degree of association between objects. In this research,
we adopt the cosine similarity of their category, as the most straightforward approach.
The metadata for a place can be considered a Boolean value vector. This allows us to
compute the similarity between places as a distance in a vector space. The vector l
of the
place l
is a |C|-dimensional vector where the set of all metadata is defined as C. Each element
is set to 1 for the j-th element of the vector if there is a link to the metadata c
C, or to 0
otherwise (see Figure 3).
410 Geographic Entity Retrieval for Finding Places Suitable for Certain Purposes ...
0 1 1 0
Fig. 3. Vector representation of a place by using category metadata
The similarity sim
, l
) between the places l
and l
is defined as
, l
) =
· l
, (1)
which is based on cosine similarity.
The calculation cost is a big problem for the actual link analysis calculation. In most
cases, the number of category tags that are linked to a place is as few as 1 to 5, and the
number of category tags is less than 100. Most places have a few tags, and some of the tags
are used too frequently. We eliminated frequent tags that have no explanatory ability. In our
implementation, we set a threshold and cut off some links.
Thus, we used metadata consistency to extend the graph by attaching virtual edges be-
tween places. In the upper left part (orange part) of the matrix of Figure 2, m
is set to 1 if
the metadata of places l
and l
are highly similar; otherwise it is set to 0.
3.3. Calculating Word Similarity for Purpose Expansion
Next, we extend the graph by focusing on Hypothesis 3 (Expansion by Word Semantics).
The degree of association between words is calculated, and added to the graph. For example,
guitar and ukulele are lexically close in their meaning. Therefore, we can extend the result so
that where you can achieve “guitar practice”, you can achieve “ukulele practice”. Thus, we
added a virtual link between them. This expansion aims to allow reviews that do not contain
their purpose directly to be reflected in the rankings of places. Here we extend the graphs to
take into account the similarity between words.
The computation of semantic similarity between words is a general problem, and it can
be solved by vectorization with methods such as LDA, LSI, or Word2Vec. Our method
utilizes a similarity calculation using Word2Vec. A Wikipedia corpus was used for learning
the Word2Vec model, because encyclopedic sites are suitable resources to calculate lexical
The word similarity sim
, w
) (where w
is the i-th word) can be used to weigh the
links between words in the graph. The distributed representation of a word w
is defined as
= w2v(w
). (2)
Yui Maekawa, Yoshiyuki Shoji, and Martin J. urst 411
By using this vector, the similarity between the words w
and w
can be defined as
, w
) =
· w
, (3)
which is the cosine similarity between the two vectors.
The similarity sim
, w
) takes a value between 0 and 1. As with the case of similarity
between places, we treat this value with a threshold to reduce the computational cost. Finally,
we used sim
, w
) as a Boolean value for calculation. The right bottom part (green part)
of Figure 2 represents sim
, w
) for each word in the dataset.
3.4. Ranking Places by Random Walk with Restart
So far, creating the matrix M that represents the expanded graph shown in Figure 4 has
been accomplished; it contains all the necessary relationships between places and words,
relationships among places, and relationships among words. By processing this matrix, it is
possible to compute the relevance of the nodes in the graph. The relevance between a word
node and a place reflects how the words in the query are related to the place. In other words,
it can rank the places that can achieve the purpose. We adopted Random walk with Restart
, w
, w
= 1
, w
= 0
= 1
, l
= 0
= 1
, l
Fig. 4. Place-word graph expanded with word semantic similarity and place metadata similarity
(RWR) as the algorithm for calculating the degree of association between nodes in our graph.
First, in order to perform relevance calculations with RWR, we transformed the graph matrix
M into a transition probability matrix. The transformation to the transition probability
matrix was done by normalizing the matrix by columns, that is by dividing each entry by the
sum of the weights of the exit edges. Therefore, we need to consider M as a directed graph;
the link from a place to a word and the reverse link has different weights.
Note that it is possible to change the weights for each hypothesis here. For example, to
increase only the similarity score between places, a weight can be applied only to the elements
in the upper left part of Figure 2 before this transformation.
412 Geographic Entity Retrieval for Finding Places Suitable for Certain Purposes ...
The formulation for the actual calculation is as below. Let L be the set of all geographic
nodes in the graph and W be the set of all word nodes in the graph. |L| and |W | represent
the number of elements in each set. N
) is the subset of W connected to the edges exiting
, and N
) is the subset of L connected to the links exiting w
. The function sim
, l
means the similarity between the i-th place and the j-th place, and the function sim
, w
means the similarity between the i-th word and the j-th word. The matrix which represents
the graph structure M is defined as
(if i > |L|)
(if j > |L|) : βsim
, w
(if j |L|)
(if w
)) :
(otherwise) : 0
(if i |L|)
(if j > |L|)
(if l
)) :
(otherwise) : 0
(if j |L|) : αsim
, l
where α and β are weights for each hypothesis (α for H2, β for H3), both of them taking
values from 0 to 1, and α + β 1. The transition probability matrix M
which is M
normalized by its rows is defined by
|L|+|W |
, (5)
where m
is an element of M
RWR is an algorithm to compute the degree of association between nodes by performing a
random walk on the graph and randomly jumping to the initial node with a fixed probability
at each step. Normally, to represent the jumping probability for the initial node q, a one-hot
vector q with the q-th element being 1 and the other elements being 0 is used. The nodes of
the words that appear in the given query can be used as the initial nodes.
However, in this research, we have to consider the case where the query consists of multiple
words, such as “guitar practice”. If the given query consists of two or more words, a random
jump to all the words in the query will give high relevance to place nodes that are not related
to the query. This is because the words in the query are not independent. For example,
the query “practice guitar” can be split into two-word nodes, “practice” and “guitar”. If
these two words are independently used as start nodes, the search results will be a mixture
of places associated with “guitar” and places associated with “practice”. The result will be
similar to the result of an OR search on a traditional search engine. A place node that is
highly associated with “practice” may not be a suitable place for “guitar practice”. It might
be suitable for other kinds of “practice”, such as “baseball practice” or “painting practice”.
Likewise, not all “guitar” related places are suitable for “guitar practice”; some of them may
be good places to fix a guitar, or to buy a new guitar.
The solution to this problem (i.e., realizing AND search) is to set the initial nodes to place
nodes instead of word nodes. We set the initial nodes to only the place nodes where all the
words in the query appear together in a single review. If there is more than one corresponding
place, we randomly jump to all these place nodes with equal probability. This enables the
algorithm to increase the number of search results for long queries without a loss of accuracy.
The set of initial nodes is represented as a vector of r of |L| + |W | dimensions. Each
Yui Maekawa, Yoshiyuki Shoji, and Martin J. urst 413
dimension r
is 1 in case the i-th node meets the condition, and 0 otherwise. To convert r
to a probability vector, it is normalized.
The RWR score for each node is calculated by the power method, repeating the equation
p = (1 c)M
p + cr. (6)
As the initial value of p, we used r. Repeating is continued until p converges. After the
convergence, the values of each element p
in the final p can be used as relevance of the u-th
node for the given purpose query. The search result ranking is obtained by sorting all places
L by p
in descending order.
4. Experiment
We evaluated the method’s usefulness in an experiment using real data collected from Google
Maps. The search results of five methods for nine pre-prepared purpose queries were manually
evaluated. An evaluator manually evaluated each of the top-ranked places.
The number of evaluators was one, because it is objectively possible to determine whether
an action is feasible in a given place. When the evaluator was unsure about the decision for
a place, they accessed the official Website of that place, or called and inquired if people were
able to achieve their purposes there.
4.1. Dataset
For the experiment, we used the review data of places and place metadata collected with
the Places API of Google Maps. First, we used the Places API of Google Maps to collect
review information about places and their correlations. Google Maps puts a quantitative
limit on the data that can be collected in a certain period of time. Therefore, we limited the
search to about 80km
in a densely populated area of Tokyo, Japan, mainly in the Shinjuku,
Shibuya, and Chiyoda wards, and we collected all the places (i.e., geographic entities like
shops, facilities, and so on) contained in this area. Figure 5 shows the area covered by the
actual data set.
The list of places in an area and the reviews for them had to be collected via different
APIs. The Google Find Place API limits the collectible number of places to only the top 32
results within the specified area. Therefore, we recursively called the API by dividing bigger
ranges into four quadrants when the number of included objects reached the upper limit.
Finally, by reducing the area to 25m square, 261,492 places were obtained. The reviews for
these objects were collected using the Place Details API. Due to API limitations, only the
top five reviews for each site were obtained. This resulted in 85,942 places with at least one
review with text.
4.2. Implementation
The reviews of 85,942 places in Google Maps were divided into words by using the Japanese
morphological analyzer MeCab. This step was necessary because words in Japanese text are
not separated by spaces. We used the dictionary called mecab-ipadic-NEologd, which includes
neologisms frequently used in social media services. The words used in our experiment were
limited to verbs, nouns, and adjectives, and the verbs were unified to their standard form.
414 Geographic Entity Retrieval for Finding Places Suitable for Certain Purposes ...
Fig. 5. Area reviewed and collected from GoogleMaps. Includes Tokyo, Shibuya, and Shinjuku,
the main train stations in Tokyo, Japan.
Word cleansing was done by word frequency: rarely used words and words that appeared too
often were removed. We removed words that appeared in less than 50 of the 85,942 reviews
and words that appeared in more than 40 percent of the reviews. In the end, 9,816 words
were considered as nodes in the graph.
Next, we pre-calculated the degree of similarity between places. In order to calculate the
similarity between places, we used category tags. Each place in Google Maps has a maxi-
mum of five category tags. We used 97 categories assigned to the collected places, excluding
categories that occur frequently (i.e., establishment and point of interest) for generating a
vector consisting of Boolean values. By using this vector, we were able to compute the cosine
similarity in the vector space. In this experiment, due to the computational complexity, we
used only places with three or more categories of similarity and whose vectors are exactly the
same as each other.
The similarity of the words was calculated in advance. In the proposed method, the words
in the graph are connected to each other by virtual edges to account for semantically similar
purposes. We computed the similarity between all combinations of words for 9,816 word
nodes. As a data source for learning the word2vec model, we used Wikipedia data. As an
implementation of Word2Vec, gensim, Python’s topic analysis library, was used. In order
to keep the matrix sparse to reduce computational effort, only combinations with similarity
greater than or equal to 0.5 were adopted, and other combinations were treated as having
zero similarity.
Finally, we computed the actual Random Walk with Restart and the fit between the query
and the ground objects. To speed up the computation of a square matrix of 95,758 dimensions
consisting of objects and words, the Python library SciPy was used.
4.3. Comparative Methods
Yui Maekawa, Yoshiyuki Shoji, and Martin J. urst 415
To analyze the effectiveness of the three hypotheses, we prepared the following five methods:
All (H1, H2, H3) is the method proposed that considers all hypotheses, i.e., (α = 0.1,
β = 0.1),
Place Only (H1, H2) is a variant method which only considers place type similarity,
i.e., (α = 0.1, β = 0),
Word Only (H1, H3) is another variant method which only considers semantic simi-
larity of words, i.e., (α = 0, β = 0.1),
No Expansion (H1 only) is a plain method which does not consider similarity of places
and words, i.e., (α = 0, β = 0), and,
Baseline is a traditional search algorithm that only finds places which have reviews
directly containing all query words.
For each of these five methods, a set of places for evaluation was created for pre-prepared
queries. The top 20 rankings obtained from each method were evaluated. For labeling, the
search results were ordered randomly.
4.4. Answer Labeling
Nine queries were prepared (see Table 1). For these queries, the search result rankings were
obtained for the five methods above. The places ranked in the top 20 of these search results
were manually labeled with binary values: 1 if it was possible to achieve the purpose there,
0 otherwise. Since the search result of the baseline method is not a ranking, 20 randomly
selected places in its result were evaluated.
Labeling was performed by a single evaluator, because it is objectively possible to deter-
mine whether or not the purpose is achievable at a given place. If in doubt about whether a
purpose was achievable, the evaluator was allowed to check the websites or make a phone call
to the place.
Note that this research does not consider the time of day or season (i.e., methods ignore
the timestamps of reviews). For this reason, places whose purpose is achievable during a
certain time of the year (e.g., a swimming pool that is open only in summer) were labeled as
correct. Similarly, places where it was possible in the past to achieve the purpose (e.g., places
that changed their business, or closed) were also labeled as correct.
4.5. Result
We describe the method-by-method and query-by-query precision and ranking evaluations,
and the actual output. Table 1 shows the p@k (precision at k) and nDCG (normalized
Discounted Cumulative Gain) obtained by the nine queries used in the experiment. (However,
nDCG cannot be computed for the Baseline because it is a Boolean search, not a ranking.)
As the overall result, all proposed methods achieved higher precision than Baseline. For
the average results of all queries, Place Only obtained the highest score.
The highest precision of the All method was achieved when the queries were “enjoy af-
ternoon tea” and “buy pizza”. For these queries, All greatly outperformed precision and
416 Geographic Entity Retrieval for Finding Places Suitable for Certain Purposes ...
Table 1. evaluation result of 5 methods for 9 queries
All (proposed) Place Only Word Only No Expansion Baseline
p@20 nDCG p@20 nDCG p@20 nDCG p@20 nDCG p@20 (# found)
Guitar Practice 0.30 0.40 0.35 0.43 0.40 0.54 0.54 0.57 0.15 4
Buy Computer 0.45 0.59 0.45 0.59 0.35 0.38 0.40 0.41 0.45 49
Fix Computer 0.70 0.76 0.75 0.79 0.70 0.76 0.75 0.79 0.65 13
Eat Pizza 0.75 0.64 0.80 0.68 0.85 0.84 0.80 0.81 0.95 466
Buy Pizza 0.80 0.87 0.75 0.84 0.70 0.68 0.70 0.68 0.65 32
Catch a Fish 0.25 0.27 0.25 0.28 0.25 0.35 0.25 0.32 0.25 23
Have a BBQ 0.70 0.66 0.75 0.68 0.60 0.58 0.50 0.48 0.30 124
Enjoy Afternoon Tea 0.90 0.94 0.90 0.94 0.90 0.79 0.80 0.76 0.75 91
Swimming 0.05 0.03 0.20 0.14 0.15 0.10 0.25 0.21 0.20 78
Average 0.54 0.57 0.58 0.60 0.54 0.56 0.54 0.56 0.48 -
nDCG of Baseline and No Expansion. When the query was “buy computer”, all methods
obtained low precision. However, even for such a difficult search task, All and Place Only
performed better than Baseline.
As an example of search results where the proposed method works well, Table 2 shows the
search results of each method for the query “buy pizza”. The proposed method found many
supermarkets and other establishments, not only Italian restaurants, where people can take
home a pizza, but not eat it in the shop.
As another example of a search where the proposed method did not perform well compared
to the comparison method, the results for the query “guitar practice” are shown in table 3.
Most methods found music stores, music schools, and music studios for this query, except for
5. Discussion
This section discusses the nature of each method, and the usefulness of the search results. To
discuss the nature of the proposed methods based on the experimental results, a comparison
of the advantages of each method is needed. Across the board, Place Only was the most
effective for both precision and nDCG. Method All, with all expansions added, showed higher
precision than the Baseline. When focusing on nDCG, every expansion was more effective
than No Expansion.
We discuss the quality of the obtained results. The proposed method was able to find
many places that were not found in the Baseline. Many of the places found were judged as
suitable for the purpose. The actual search results included different places depending on
the expansions used. This suggests that each of the expansions contributed to finding more
relevant places.
We focus on the cases in which the proposed method did not work effectively. If the search
task itself was too difficult, or conversely, too easy, all our methods were relatively ineffective.
For instance, in the task of finding a place suitable for eating pizza, it was possible to find
a large number of places using conventional methods. In such cases, finding more places by
inference conversely reduced accuracy.
Finally, individual cases will be discussed. An example where the expansion by the Place
type deduction worked properly is the search task of “Buy Computer”. In this task, our
method deduced that you can buy a computer at an electronics store. Even though a store
has no reviews, our method was able to guess that the store sells computers by using place
Yui Maekawa, Yoshiyuki Shoji, and Martin J. urst 417
Table 2. The top 20 results for each method and their relevance (Rel) to the query “buy pizza”
(Translated from Japanese).
Rank Rel All (proposed) Rel Place Only Rel Word Only
1 1 Dominos Pizza @ Awaji 1 Dominos Pizza @ Awaji 1 Italian Restaurant EATALY
2 1 Dominos Pizza @ Ebisu 1 Dominos Pizza @ Shinjuku Restaurant Fiorentina
3 1 Dominos Pizza @ Shinjuku 1 Dominos Pizza @ Ebisu 1 Italian Restaurant Picard @ Azabu
4 1 Dominos Pizza @ Asakusa 1 Dominos Pizza @ Asakusa 1 Italian Restaurant IL PANZEROTTO
5 1 Precce Shibuya DELIMARKET 1 Precce Shibuya DELIMARKET Cafeteria Espresso D Works
6 1 Supermarkets OK @ Hatsaudai 1 Seijo Ishii Convenience Store @ Kojimachi 1 Chronic Tacos BLAST!
7 1 Seijo Ishii Convenience Store @ Ikejiri 1 Supermarkets OK @ Hatsaudai 1 Dominos Pizza @ Awaji
8 1 Seijo Ishii Convenience Store @ Kojimachi 1 Seijo Ishii Convenience Store @ Ikejiri 1 Dominos Pizza @ Ebisu
9 1 Italian Restaurant IL FELICE 1 Italian Restaurant IL FELICE 1 Italian Restaurant Pour-kur
10 Book Store Majutsu-Dou Book Store Majutsu-Dou Seveneleven @ Ebisu
11 1 Italian Restaurant Picard @ Azabu 1 Italian Restaurant Picard @ Azabu 1 Pizza k
12 1 Italian Restaurant EATALY 1 Italian Restaurant EATALY 1 Italian Restaurant Picard
13 1 Shibuya Cheese Stand 1 Shibuya Cheese Stand 1 Precce Shibuya DELIMARKET
14 1 Italian Restaurant Pour-kur 1 Italian Restaurant Pour-kur Restaurant Rapopo Farm @Yotsuya
15 Restaurant Rapopo Farm @Yotsuya Restaurant Rapopo Farm @Yotsuya 1 Shibuya Cheese Stand
16 1 Delifrance Express 1 Delifrance Express Book Store Majutsu-Dou
17 Bar SHUGAR MARKET Bar SHUGAR MARKET 1 Supermarkets OK @ Hatsaudai
18 Italian Restaurant Fiorentina Italian Restaurant Fiorentina 1 Neapolitan Pizzeria 800 Degrees
19 1 Italian Restaurant IL PANZEROTTO 1 Italian Restaurant IL PANZEROTTO TENOHA &STYLE
20 1 Chronic Tacos BLAST! Cafeteria Espresso D Works 1 Seijo Ishii Convenience Store @ Ikejiri
# Relevant 16 15 14
Rank Rel No Expansion Rel Baseline
1 Restaurant Fiorentina 1 Italian Restaurant IL FELICE
2 1 Italian Restaurant Picard @ Azabu 1 Dominos Pizza @ Awaji
3 1 Italian Restaurant EATALY Italian Restaurant virage
4 1 Italian Restaurant Pour-kur 1 Dominos Pizza @ Shinjuku
5 Cafeteria Espresso D Works Garlic Restaurant Goemon
6 1 Italian Restaurant Picard Restaurant Rapopo Farm @Yotsuya
7 1 Italian Restaurant IL PANZEROTTO 1 Italian Restaurant Pour-kur
8 Garlic Restaurant Goemon 1 Italian Restaurant EATALY
9 1 Shibuya Cheese Stand 1 Supermarkets OK @ Hatsaudai
10 1 Pizza k 1 Delifrance Express
11 Restaurant Rapopo Farm @Yotsuya 1 Shibuya Cheese Stand
12 1 Chronic Tacos BLAST! Restaurant Fiorentina
13 1 Dominos Pizza @ Awaji Bar SHUGAR MARKET
14 1 Delifrance Express 1 Precce Shibuya DELIMARKET
15 1 Precce Shibuya DELIMARKET 1 Italian Restaurant Picard @ Azabu
16 1 Neapolitan Pizzeria 800 Degrees 1 Seijo Ishii Convenience Store @ Ikejiri
17 German Wine Bar Yuun Akasaka 1 Italian Restaurant Picard
18 1 Supermarkets OK @ Hatsaudai Cafeteria Espresso D Works
19 Seveneleven @ Ebisu 1 Dominos Pizza @ Ebisu
20 1 Dominos Pizza @ Ebisu Book Store Majutsu-Dou
# Relevant 14 13
type metadata.
Similarly, the extension by place type was highly accurate for the query “have a BBQ”.
The search results of the traditional method showed a lot of noise, such as “purchased BBQ
sauce flavored food”. Inference by place types, such as barbecue sites or campgrounds, was
effective. In other words, restaurants offering barbecue sauce-flavored food were ranked lower.
because among the places with reviews about BBQ, there were only a few restaurants that
offer barbecue sauce-flavored food, and more campgrounds.
For some queries, the proposed method had a lower precision than the baseline method.
However, the search results for these queries included places that were not found by traditional
methods. For example, for the query “guitar practice”, Baseline found only three places,
all of which were music classes, because only these places contained the query words directly
in their reviews. More music classes were found by the No Expansion method. In a more
extended approach, it was possible to find shops, such as music stores that offered guitar
lessons or had a performance space attached to them. In these cases, it was possible to rank
more suitable places by combining extensions in both words and places.
From these results, we see that the extended method that applied only place type-based
418 Geographic Entity Retrieval for Finding Places Suitable for Certain Purposes ...
Table 3. The top 20 results for each method and their relevance (Rel) to the query “Guitar
Practice” (Translated from Japanese).
Rank Rel All (proposed) Rel Place Only Rel Word Only
1 Instrument Store IKEBE Drum @ Shibuya Instrument Store IKEBE Drum @ Shibuya 1 Music School Mion @ Nakano
2 1 Music School Mion @ Nakano 1 Music School Mion @ Nakano 1 Voice Training School Akihabara
3 1 Guitar School @ Shinjuku 1 Voice Training School Akihabara 1 Guitar School @ Shinjuku
4 1 Voice Training School Akihabara 1 Guitar School @ Shinjuku Instrument Store IKEBE Drum @ Shibuya
5 1 Instrument Store Shimamura @ Shinjuku 1 Instrument Store Shimamura @ Shinjuku Psychiatry Medical Switch
6 Acoustic Guitar Shop Hobo’s Acoustic Guitar Shop Hobo’s 1 Voice Training School Yoyogi
7 Guitar Shop Acoustic Planet Guitar Shop Acoustic Planet 1 Music School Wood Shinjuku
8 1 Music School JBG Instrument Store Ishibashi @ Shibuya 1 Instrument Store Shimamura @ Shinjuku
9 Instrument Store Ishibashi @ Shibuya Instrument Store Lock-In Guitar & Drum Instrument Store Lock-In Guitar & Drum
10 Instrument Store Lock-In Guitar & Drum Music Store Yamano Odakyu @ Shinjuku Jazz Club Body and Soul
11 Instrument Store Da Vinci Violin 1 Music School JBG Parking MTG Akasaka
12 Music Store Yamano Odakyu @ Shinjuku Instrument Store Ochanomizu Gakki 1 Piano Bar Rocinante
13 Piano Store Grand Gallery Tokyo 1 Music Store Kurosawa Japan English Language School Global Square
14 Instrument Store Ochanomizu Gakki Instrument Store Da Vinci Violin English School Joshua
15 1 Music Store Kurosawa Japan Piano Store Grand Gallery Tokyo Vocal School Powerful Voice Shibuya
16 Music Studio Korakuen Instrument Store Shimokura Violin 1 Music School Bee Shinjuku
17 Instrument Store Shimokura Violin Guitar Shop Music Plaza Daikanyama Main Store Golf School Roots Gaien
18 Guitar Shop Music Plaza Daikanyama Main Store Music Shop Ukulele Planet Animation Academy Yoyogi Tokyo
19 Guitar Shop Grandy & Jungle Ukulele Shop Tantan @ Ochanomizu Study abroad agency Admani
20 Music Shop Ukulele Planet 1 Instrument Store Yamaha @ Ginza Programming School GFTD.
# Relevant 6 7 8
Rank Rel No Expansion Rel Baseline
1 1 Music School Mion @ Nakano 1 Music School Mion @ Nakano
2 1 Voice Training School Akihabara 1 Guitar School @ Shinjuku
3 1 Guitar School @ Shinjuku 1 Voice Training School Akihabara
4 Instrument Store IKEBE Drum @ Shibuya Instrument Store IKEBE Drum @ Shibuya
5 1 Voice Training School Yoyogi
6 Instrument Store Lock-In Guitar & Drum
7 Psychiatry Medical Switch
8 1 Music School Wood Shinjuku
9 1 Instrument Store Shimamura @ Shinjuku
10 1 Piano Bar Rocinante
11 Jazz Club Body and Soul
12 1 Music School Bee Shinjuku
13 Golf School Roots Gaien
14 Vocal School Powerful Voice Shibuya
15 Guitar Shop Acoustic Planet
16 English School Joshua
17 Parking MTG Akasaka
18 Acoustic Guitar Shop Hobo’s
19 Golf School Dream @ Ginza
# Relevant 9 3
inference had the highest performance. However, it can be said that each extension has
different strengths.
6. Conclusion
In this research, we proposed a new search algorithm that ranks the places that can achieve a
given purpose. In a conventional retrieval system, searchers have to input the type of business
and the characteristics of the place to be searched as a query. This makes it difficult to find
a place, such as a place for “guitar practice”, by purpose. Therefore, by using geographical
review information such as Google Maps, we made the search system able to accept the
purpose directly. By extending it with three types of hypotheses, searchers can search for
places by inputting their purpose. We implemented a web application based on the Random
Walk with Restart-based graph analysis method. The experimental result shows that our
method can find more suitable places than existing place search methods.
As a future challenge, an increase in the accuracy of the search results is needed. Also,
the amount of calculation is another important problem. Our method requires the creation
of a graph and convergence calculations each time a query is entered. In order to operate the
Yui Maekawa, Yoshiyuki Shoji, and Martin J. urst 419
search model as an actual Web service, it is necessary to improve the speed of the service by
grouping similar places and purposes in advance. In the future, it is necessary to conduct
more advanced research to realize such a search as an actual web service.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grants Number 22H03905, 21H03774, 21H03775,
18K18161, 18H03243, and ROIS NII Open Collaborative Research 2022 Grant Number 22S1001.
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